1//The Burrow //1

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Y/n = your name
Y/l/n = your last name
Y/n/n = your nick name
Y/e/c = your eye colour
Y/h/c = your hair colour
Y/bsf/n = your best friends name

Y/n POV :

It was a week before the end of the holidays and I was preparing to leave for the burrow , I was spending a few weeks there with my best friends Fred and George because my parents were going to Spain on holiday and I wouldn't return in time to go back to hogwarts. I am a sixth year in gryffindor house and is also part of the quidditch team as a chaser.

I looked around my room one last time to check I hadn't left anything. I made my way over to my night stand and picked up the moving picture of Fred , George and I. It was taken last Christmas and we were all laughing and throwing snow balls at each other. I smiled reminiscing last Christmas and placed the picture back down on my night stand. I was so excited to see them again and it had only been a few weeks I had also received constant owls from them updating me on how their joke shop was coming along.

I turned my attention away from the picture and back to my trunk. As I locked it shut, I thought about how much I missed him. Fred. I had been madly and unmistakably in love with him since fourth year and he was all I could think about.

I picked up my trunk and my firebolt and headed downstairs , as soon as I had entered the living room and placed my things down , I was immediately attacked in a hug by my younger brother Kai. He was eight years old and we were really close , he loved to help me with pranks and have water fights in the summer.
" I don't want you to leave yet "
" I'm going to miss you so much and I'll write to you every week," I smiled tears threatening to spill from my eyes.
Just then my mum and dad came into the room and said their goodbyes. As I was leaving a hug with my mum a noise was heard coming from the fireplace then a smiling Mr. Weasley was seen stumbling out.
" Nice to see u y/n."
" Hello , I'm Arthur Weasley ," he began walking over to my parents hand outstretched and dirt on his face " Very nice to meet you," he continued as he shook both of my parents hands. Once more the fireplace began to make noise and out shot a red headed girl with brown eyes and her face covered in freckles but you couldn't hardly tell due to the dirt from the fireplace.
" It's so good to see you again y/n," she beamed after climbing out of the fireplace and running over to me and engulfing me in a hug.
" It's great to see you too Gin"
" Are we all packed and ready to go?" Mr. Weasley asked. I nodded my head in response and he picked up my trunk and placed it into the fireplace. I was instructed to enter the fireplace and did as I was told after giving Kai one last hug. I took a handful of powder , " The burrow!" I shouted as I threw the powder to the floor. I was engulfed by the green flames and after a few seconds I was standing in the weasleys kitchen. I stepped out and grabbed my trunk. I looked around and smiled as I saw the weasley clock , dishes cleaning themselves and a scarf knitting itself in an armchair. It was wonderful here it felt like home. I heard footsteps behind me and I turn to see Mrs. Weasley walking towards me wrapping me in a hug.
" Y/n dear , how have you been?" she asked sweetly.
" I've been great. Thanks so much for having me Mrs. Weasley!"
" It's no matter your always welcome at the burrow. And please call me molly!"
Then Ginny erupted from the fireplace firebolt in hand. Almost immediately after Ginny stepped out of the fireplace Mr. Weasley appeared in the fireplace holding a KitKat in his hand and looking at it fondly. He began to explain how my parents had given him it and it was a muggle chocolate bar not once did his eyes leave the chocolate bar. I laughed to myself about how excited he was about it.

Suddenly I heard fast paced stomping coming down the stairs. When they stopped I got butterflies as a handsome ginger popped his head around the corner and asked quickly " Is it y/n/n?"
I stepped to the side from behind Mr. Weasley and replied " Yes Freddie !"
His smile grew when he saw me and began to race towards me and wrapped his arms around me. To my surprise I felt my feet lift from the ground and he began to spin me around as he whispered in my neck " I missed you so much y/n!" His voice sent shivers down my spine.
" I missed you too!"
We pulled apart and I heard the same fast paced stomps as earlier coming down the stairs.
" Is it y/n?" George asked before setting eyes on me. He spotted me and ran over and hugged me.
" I missed you George!"
" I'd be surprised if you didn't," he replied with a cheeky grin plastered on his face.
" Fred , George be gentleman and take y/n's things upstairs," Mrs. Weasley said before turning to the rest of us as the twins grabbed the luggage and started to climb the stairs " Dinner will be ready
in an hour." She finished and walked of to the kitchen.

Consolations : Fred weasley x readerTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon