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When I got back downstairs with my firebolt I made my way outside to meet with the others. Once I got outside I noticed everyone had a broom except Hermione.
" Where's your broom Hermione?"
" Oh I - I'm not playing ," she stuttered and you could hear the fear in her voice. I didn't bother to question her or try to convince her to play like Ron did.
" Oh come on Hermione" he would plead but to no avail.
Eventually we all had made our way over to the orchard -where we would always play quidditch in the summer holidays- laughing and telling stupid jokes the whole way there.
" What's the teams then?" I asked.
" Make it even so two boys one girl on each team?" Harry asked.
" I wanted to be on the same team as y/n though," Ginny sulked.
" It's not fair then because we hold the most talent so it wouldn't be fair on the other team Gin!" We both smirked.
" Fred , George and y/n are on a team and Harry , Ginny and I will be on a team" Ron suggested.
There was a mixture of " sure" and "why not" being said.
We all mounted our brooms and touched of the ground to set of. Once we were all in our positions Hermione released the quaffle but we didn't bother playing with the snitch or the bludgers. I raced to the middle where the ball was thrown and snatched it just before Harry could grab it. I raced over to the goal and dived past Ginny and threw it straight past Ron and scored. Fred and George whistled and Hermione clapped as she was sat watching.

The rest of the game consisted of everyone scoring several goals but eventually we won. We had several more games till everyone was tired.
" Oh come on one more game , how are you even tired yet?" I pleaded.
" Bloody hell y/n we're all exhausted!" Ron said surprised.
" I'll play you. One on one , but let's make it more interesting" Fred began with a mischievous grin painted across his face.
" Sure what do you have in mind?" I asked intrigued.
" Winner gets to throw the loser in the lake" he said pointing over at the lake.
" Your on!" I said confidently holding out my hand for him to shake and he did. We mounted our brooms once more and took our positions while everyone played close attention to the game. The quaffle was thrown into the air and I swooped down to get it but missed as Fred took it before I could reach for it. He scored but now it was my turn to score I dodged him flying at all different levels , as fast as I could manage and threw it into the goal. The game went on for half and hour and the score was 90:90 whoever got the last goal would win. I for one didn't plan on getting thrown in the lake so put all my energy into it and managed to intercept the ball and score before Fred even realised what had happened. I cheered and threw my arms into the air as I touched back down to the ground. Everyone began to congratulate me but all I could focus on was the devastated look on Fred's face and began laughing even more. I walked over to him and began struggling to keep a straight face " I think you know what happens now." He groaned in response and I held my arm out for him to link as we walked over to the lake. He accepted and we began to make our way over to the lake.

" Ready Fred?" I asked not bothering to try and hide the huge grin on my face. Everyone was gathered round the lake waiting.
" On the count of three" Fred agreed and I nodded in response. " One!" But before he could even say two I pushed him into the lake as hard as I could. There was a loud splash and water went everywhere. Fred resurfaced and had a surprised and mischievous look on his face as he said " Your going to regret that!"

He began making his way out of the water and once he was out he didn't bother to dry himself of like I expected. He started into a run and I instantly started running as fast as I could muster in the opposite direction. He chased me round the garden but I was exhausted from playing quidditch and his legs were much longer then mine and he caught up to me and grabbed me in no time. He once again flung me over his shoulder and walked over to the side of the lake. I was kicking and punching his back trying to break loose from his grip on me.
" Please Fred don't throw me in! Please I'm sorry!" I screamed.
Before I knew it I felt the water engulf me and the cold instantly took over my thoughts. I swam to the top and as I broke through the surface I immediately began gasping for air. I opened my eyes and saw a smirking Fred and all the boys matching his expression while Hermione and Ginny both had concerned looks on their faces. I swam over to the side to try and get out but ended up needing Hermione and Ginny to lend me a hand and pull me out. When I had finally got out I realised Fred was now dry again so I decided to go over and hug him to get him soaked wet again.
" Fred I just wanted to say-" I started trying to make myself believable , then attacked him in a hug drenching him.
" Y/n!" He started laughing.
" ooops" I simply replied and walked of with Ginny and Hermione back towards the burrow.

Consolations : Fred weasley x readerDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora