6// The Quidditch World Cup Part 2//6

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After Cedric and Amos left we preceed to make our way down to a cottage where a muggle man is stood at the desk with a book in front of him. He appeared on be deep in thought and a bit stressed out so didn't notice at first when we all piled in. Mr. Weasley began talking to the man and after a minute or two asked Harry for help with the muggle money he had in his hand.

Once we had paid we left , and instantly saw hundreds of tents perched up. All of them looking extremely different. We got closer to the scene and were engulfed in noise and everyone having fun. There were stalls selling everything that you could possibly want to support your favourite team. There were stalls of green and red. Fireworks, juggling , dancing and so much more. A smile instantly grew on my face and I was filled with happiness.

I feel my hand being grabbed and interlocking with someone's and smile even more when I see who's hand it is.
" Wouldn't want to loose you in the crowd love!" He whispered in my ear giving me butterflies.
" How would you possibly manage without me?" I replied with a flirty wink causing the tips of his ears to turn red and I smile at the affect I have on him. We continue to walk taking in every sight and sound there is and eventually arrive at a very small tent that wasn't possibly going to fit us all in.
Mr. Weasley lifts the entrance open " Home sweet home!"
Everyone rushes inside and I hesitate but I'm pulled in but Fred who was still gripping my hand firmly. When we enter I expect to be squashed in the tiny tent but see a huge living room and kitchen with adjoining bedrooms and bathroom. It was nothing like I had expected, it was lined with beautiful hangings all over in red and yellow and so many more colours.
" Girls pick a bedroom!" Said Mr. Weasley happily " Ron get out of the kitchen we're all hungry "
" Yeah get out of the kitchen Ron!" Chimed the twins.
" Feet of the table!"
" Feet of the table!" They copied in unison.
I walked into the room that the girls had chosen , it had two bunk beds in and a dressing table. I set my bag down on the bottom bunk of one of the bunk beds.
" Ooooo I call top bunk!" Ginny said excitedly throwing her things up on the bed above mine.

After everyone had got settled Mr. Weasley served dinner and everyone dug in hungrily especially Ron. During dinner everyone was arguing about what team they thought would win. I thought that the Irish would win and was convinced about it. After everyone had finished eating and talking we were told to get ready to go. I suddenly remembered the face paint that I had packed and went to our room to fetch it. Fred and George must have seen me because they came running in after me excited and asking me to paint their faces.

I started on George's face and he wanted something simple for Ireland so I outlined a clover on his cheek and coloured it in. Once I was done he leaped from the chair and ran over to the mirror happily admiring it and saying " Thanks y/n I love it " and running from the room to show the others as I smiled.
" So what would you like?" I asked Fred picking up the brush.
" Seen as though I'm the more attractive twin I just want something simple that doesn't cover as much of my face"
I laughed a bit before dipping the brush in the paint and swiping it in certain directions. When I was done there were green and white lines on his cheeks that complimented his eyes perfectly. He got up to look at it and smiled before running back over to me and hugging me.
He whispered in my neck " Thanks y/n it's perfect!"
I was taken back by his actions but sunk into the hug and replied " Your welcome Freddie"
" Now it's your turn!" He said suddenly sitting me down and restraining me when I try to move ( clearly enjoying this).
I stop struggling and he dips his fingers into the paint and swipes lines on my cheeks and across my forehead.
He smiles and says with a smile " Now we're matching"
He releases me from his grasp and I get up and look in the mirror. " Thanks Fred!" I say with a smile.
" Anytime love , wait one more thing!"
He dips his finger in the paint once more and takes my hand and writes a letter F before smiling down at me.
I beam down at my hand before wrapping my arms around him.
" You welcome love" he says before I can get out any words. We pull apart as Ginny enters the room.
" Fred , y/n it's time to get goin-" she stops mid sentence before smirking "Am I interrupting something?"
" Get your mind out of the gutter Gin " I laugh before walking over to my bed to grab my bag and Ireland scarf.
" Ready?" Ginny asks.
" I'm ready. Fred?"
" Let's go!" He replied excitedly.

We get into the living room and see that everyone else is already waiting to go.
" Is everyone ready to go?" Mr. Weasley asked brightly. There were several yes's heard in response so the group exited the tent and began walking through the stalls. I walked along side Ginny while Fred and George were behind us and Harry Ron , Hermione were in front. I had never seen anything like it there was so much to see and hear it was all so exciting. We stoped a few times to purchase things from the stalls. I bought two pairs of binoculars that allow you to speed up the game or slow it down and even rewind it. I gave one to Ginny but she didn't want to take them at first.
" No y/n they're to expensive I can't take them!"
" Ginny your like my sister and I love you so take the damn binoculars!" She eventually gave in and thanked me lots of times and told me how grateful she was.

When we got to the stadium Mr. Weasley told us that we were sat at they very top and after a nasty encounter with the Malfoy's we made it to our seats. I was out of breath from climbing all those stairs but the view was worth it. I stood in between Ginny and Fred. I turn to Fred to see him glaring at something so I turn my attention to a boy who's looking straight back at me and he winks. I blush slightly but avert my eyes and look back to Fred. I was about to say something then the minister of magic started talking. I didn't pay attention to what he was saying and turned my attention back to Fred. He simply smiled at me and took his hat of off his head placed it on mine.
" It looks better on you love" he leaned in and said in my ear.
" Thanks love"
He blushed immensely at the nickname and intertwined out fingers just as the game started and we stayed like that for the rest of the game.

After the match was over we all talked loudly about it on our way back to the tent. I was deep in conversation with Ginny about the match when I heard someone call my name. I turn around to see my best friend running up to me and wrapping me in a hug. I'd always been close with the weasleys but I'd known y/bsf/n since I was a baby , she was also muggle born and our mums are best friends. However she's in ravenclaw so I don't get to see her as much as I'd like to.
" Y/bsf/n I've missed you so much!"
" I've missed you to y/n did you enjoy the match?"
" Yeah it was great what did you think?"
" I wanted Bulgaria to win but it was still an amazing game"she replied before noticing the F written on my hand and grabbing it.
" Omg y/n what's this?"
" Please stop shouting I'll tell you all about it next week on the train!"
" You better!" She said sternly. " I have lots to tell you to!"
After that we hugged again and said our goodbyes before heading of in opposite directions.

Consolations : Fred weasley x readerTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang