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Tw. this chapter contains violence and strong language that may be triggering or offensive to younger readers. Please skip if you are effected by this.


I was dancing like there was no tomorrow desperately trying to forget what had just happened. And for a while I did forget. I was to drunk to care. The room was spinning and my spirits were high. I was worry free. I hadn't seen Fred since but I was glad. I was feeling warm and comforted by the alcohol in my system. It made me feel repaired for however long it would last. It made my vision blurred but I was so taken over by the sensation I didn't want it to end and have to come back to reality. I was in a trance and it felt as though nothing mattered and nothing bad could happen to me. Nobody could hurt me I was safe.

My problems didn't seem as important and as effecting now. I knew I had to sober up eventually and deal with the pain I was feeling. But I just couldn't allow myself to focus on it. Not here. Not now surrounded by all these people. I needed to talk about my feelings and cope the best I could. For the time being this would have to do.

" you know you one of my best friends y/n" Cedric said smiling at me warmly.
" I'm glad because your one of my best friends to!" I slurred.
" I've been wanting to tell you something y/n"
" what is it?" I smiled goofily.
" I'd rather show you" he said crashing his lips onto mine. He wrapped his arms around my waist and pulled me into him. I didn't realise what was happening right away. I tried to pull away. I felt sick. I could feel that this was wrong.

But I wasn't in control. The alcohol was allowing me to be put in a vulnerable position and I hated the feeling.

" Cedric stop it" I said trying my best to pull away.
" come on y/n we're perfect together" he said kissing me again.
" I said stop it" I shouted pulling out of his grip completely.

What was happening? Why was this all happening to me? Everything came flooding in at once. Thoughts of Fred and Angelina kissing. The image replayed in my mind on a loop. Cedric kissing me. I couldn't take it anymore. I felt lightheaded. I couldn't breathe. I couldn't stand. I couldn't do anything I was paralysed in raw emotion.

" what the fuck diggory!" Was the last thing I heard before falling to the floor and my eyes falling shut. Everything went black.

Fred's POV

I was so confused to what I had just done. Why did I just kiss Angelina? I didn't love her. I didn't even fancy her. I only had eyes for y/n. What's wrong with me? What if y/n saw? She wouldn't care anyway she's dating Cedric and hiding it from me.

Time flew by at the party and it was nearly midnight. I had been distracting myself the best I could all night. Well I had been trying to distract myself for days. Distract myself from y/n. She was taking over my thoughts constantly. But how could she not?
The way she danced and swayed her hips and moved her hair from her face. The way her face would twist into a disgusted expression just after she had taken a shot then turn into a wide smile.

She was breathtaking. So utterly bewitching. She mesmerised me. Even if she was doing shots with Cedric and not me.

Ten minutes later I look over to y/n not being able to stop myself. I just had to look at her. She gave me comfort and made me feel completed. She was dancing messily clearly drunk. I watched as Cedric talked to her and she would respond and give a goofy smile to him.

Then he kissed her! He fucking kissed her! He has the cheek to kiss y/n. MY y/n!

I was already walking towards them when y/n pulled away. She was trying to get out of his grip but he held on. Then kissed her again. I shoved past people trying to get to her. I saw that she managed to get out of his grip completely and felt a slight relief wash over me but was immediately reminded of my anger by the look on y/ns face. She went pale and I could hear how many thoughts we're running through her mind by her expression. And that was it.

" what the fuck diggory?" I said pouncing on him and immediately attacking his face with my fists.
The world slowed down as I unleashed all of my anger and frustration from the past days onto him. I was possessed in hatred towards him. Jealously courses through me but I was acting on anger. Anger that he has kissed y/n. Anger that when she pushed him away he still kissed her again. My body went numb. I couldn't feel my fists hitting his face. I couldn't feel my hands bruising with each punch. I could only feel the thoughts running through my mind. I couldn't see anything except the look on Cedric's face. The look of pain. The blood covering his face making his expressions slightly unclear. I couldn't read him like I read y/n. I couldn't read anyone the way I read y/n not even George.

He tried to fight back but I was to angry. I kept punching until my hands were covered in blood and a group of people tried to pull me of. I couldn't stop myself. I had to hurt him like he hurt y/n.

But I hurt y/n.

When that thought entered my mind I stopped resisting the people trying to pull me of. I didn't even see who was pulling me of. I didn't hear Cedric remarks made at me. I didn't hear anything. The room was silent. I was stood in an empty room alone with my thoughts.

It was true I had hurt y/n. I had to fix this. But what if I couldn't fix it? What if she didn't forgive me? What if I lost y/n? I couldn't live if that happened. She was my best friend.

The world resumed to its normal pace and there were people stood staring at the situation again but my head was still racing with questions and concerns when I was pulled from the room of requirement by George and taken back to our dorm.

I was in a state of shock. Everything had happened so fast yet so slowly that I had remembered every moment of it in excruciating detail and it plagued my conscience. Magnified my guilt.

I was overwhelmed. So overwhelmed that I hadn't even noticed y/n had passed out and was laid on the floor with her friends kneeled down beside her trying to make sure she was okay.

Consolations : Fred weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now