7//The Dark Mark//7

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We get back to the tent and I flop onto the nearest arm chair and I sigh dramatically
" I'm exhausted!"
" Me too!" Said Ginny also sitting down in an arm chair.
Just as I was getting comfortable I was pulled up by Fred and George leading me to the room they were staying in.
" Guess what!" They said ecstatically.
" We're gunna prank Percy!"
" Yes but that's not what we were talking about" answered George.
" We were talking about how we just won-"
" - loads of money from a bet with-"
" - Ludo Bagman!"
I paused for a minute shocked but then realised who they won it from.
" Ludo Bagman?" I asked concerned.
" Yeah!" They said in unison.
" Guys I've heard things about him he's not a good person , apparently he's in loads of trouble with gingots"
" Don't worry y/n we've got it figured out" George tried to reassure me.

We went back into the living room after that Fred and George started singing and dancing to the music outside and waving Ireland flags about.
" There's no one like Krum!" Shouted Ron and standing on the table.
" Krum! Krum! Krum! Krum!" Fred , George and I chanted in deep voices.
" He's like a bird the way he flies the wind!" Ron continued while Fred George and I were still chanting. " He's more than an athlete, he's an artist!" He finished dramatically. Then Fred threw a flag over him and flapping his arms like a bird and George copied him.
" Think your in love Ron!" Ginny teased.
" Shut up!" He snapped back.
" Victorr I lovee youu , victor I dooo" Fred and George sang.
" When we're apart my heart beats only for you" everyone joined in.
" Looks like the Irish have got their pride on" Fred said sitting next to me and wrapping his arm around my shoulders.
" Stop that's not the Irish!" Mr. Weasley said rushing in and grabbing Ginny, " we all need to leave now!"
Everyone stood up immediately and exited the tent.
" Ron , Harry , Hermione stick together. Fred and George , Ginny and y/n are you responsibility" Mr. Weasley , Charlie, Percy and bill all headed towards the commotion while Fred grabbed my hand and George wrapped his arm around Ginny. There were people running everywhere in different directions. There were hooded figures and above them were three floating people who I recognised to be the man from the cottage and his wife and child. We started running as fast as we could through the crowd and towards the trees. Suddenly a tall man bumped into me hard knocking me over and causing me to let go of Fred's hand. I feel myself hit the floor hard while people were still running past me.
" y/n!" I heard Fred shout continuously. He tried to push through the crowd but only ended up being pulled backwards and even further away.
I sat on the ground in a ball trying to protect myself from being trampled on by the crowd. Eventually when everyone had gone I got up and brushed myself of. I felt a shooting pain in my leg and found it hard to walk but limped the way I thought would lead me to the tent. I look around to see hundreds of tents that had been burnt and reduced to mere frames. I see on the floor the hat Fred had given me and pick it up. It was muddy and trampled on but I didn't want to leave it. I continue to limp when I hear a spell being cast and look up to a bright light that formed a skull with a serpent protruding from its mouth. I recognised it to be the dark mark immediately. I start to limp faster wanting to be as far away as possible from the person who cast that mark.

After a while of walking as fast as I could muster , I heard people shouting my name and recognised the voices immediately.
" Fred! George! Ginny!" I shouted. I heard their voices getting closer and felt so much better when I saw them all. Ginny runs up to me and hugs me first then George then Fred.
" You scared me love" he said into my neck making my heart beat faster. " are you okay"
" Yeah I'm fine I've just hurt my leg and it's hard to walk on"
" Oh do you want a piggyback to the portkey?"
" I'd love one!" I said with a smile.
He bent down to make it easier for me to get on and I climbed onto his back. I wrapped my arms and legs around him and he began walking holding onto my legs firmly.

When we got back to the portkey everyone was already there and we were asked loads of questions about where we were and what happened and if we were all alright. We explained what had happened just in time for the portkey to set of. Everyone walked back to the burrow (me still on Fred's back) tiredly due to having had no sleep.

Once we arrived at the burrow we saw the front door swing open and out came a teary Mrs. Weasley.
" I was so worried are you all alright? Fred George I'm so sorry I can't imagine if anything were to have happened to you both and the last thing I would have said to you was shouting about those silly sweets !" She wrapped George in a hug as I climbed of off Fred's back then she hugged Fred.
" Oh y/n dear is your leg alright have you hurt it?" She asked upon seeing me limping.
" Yeah I'm fine I think I've just sprained it"
" Oh I'll fix that right up , everyone inside!" She ordered.

When everyone was inside again they all dispersed to take naps but I stayed until Mrs. Weasley had fixed my leg.
" Thanks a lot Mrs. Weasley"
" No problem dear now get some sleep before dinner" she said and walked of into the kitchen. I was about to go upstairs when I saw a flash of red hair in the corner of my eye and turn to see Fred standing there with a sympathetic smile on his face.
" How's the leg love?"
" It feels so much better"
I gestured to the spot on the sofa next to me and he came and sat next to me. We both fell asleep talking with my head resting on his shoulder and his arms around my waist.

I woke up the the sound of people talking but I didn't open my eyes.
" Your going to have to tell her someday mate"
Tell who what I thought.
" But what if she doesn't like me back?"
" She does trust me but dinners nearly done so wake y/n up" the voice I recognised to be George's said.
The next thing I knew Fred had his hand on my face and was rubbing my cheek with his thumb while saying " wake up darling dinners nearly ready"
I slowly open my eyes to see him staring down at me.

Consolations : Fred weasley x readerWhere stories live. Discover now