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I had never been more happy then lounged about in the Gryffindor common room with the people I held dearest. Every moment was one I cherished. Over the years at hogwarts I had been on adventures late at night with the twins, discovered amazing things , been to the parts of the castle I didn't know existed. I was so profoundly grateful to call them my best friends. But that day I realised what Fred meant to me, how in love with him I was everything changed. Constant butterflies filled my stomach whenever I was around him or caught him staring. I had had crushes before but this was different. He was my best friend. I had known him since first year but my feelings had progressed over the summer. I had never cared for someone so much.

We were sat around the fireplace in the common room. I was layed on the sofa staring deep into the fire watching every movement it made. I was deep in thought about him. About Fred. He was sat with my legs across his knee. He was talking intently about the announcement dumbeldoor had just made , trying to come up with ideas of how to enter. George and lee were sat in armchairs either side of the sofa. The three of them were sat coming up with intricate plans to enter. I however paid no attention I was to distracted.
" y/n are you even listening?" Lee asked. When I didn't answer he asked again.
" Oh sorry I was just erm-" I trailed of. " What were you saying?"
" We were just asking weather you were going to enter"
" I haven't really though about it but I think I'm gunna head to bed now guys"
" okay night" George and lee said simultaneously.
" night" I said getting up of the sofa and towards the stairs when I felt a hand grab my arm and turn me around.
" y/n are you feeling okay?" Fred asked.
" yeah I'm fine just a little tired"
" okay night love" he smiled placing a kiss on my forehead. I smiled back in response and walked to my dorm. I wiped of my makeup , brushed my teeth and put on my pjs before climbing into bed. As soon as my head hit the pillow I was fast asleep I was more tired then I had thought.

The next morning I was being shaken awake by Katie bell who I shared a dorm with.
" y/n wake up it's nearly time for breakfast" she said lazily before going to wake up the rest of the girls. I slowly got out of bed and went into the bathroom to take a shower. When I was done I dryed my body and hair with a spell and applied some makeup. I decided to have my hair in a loose low bun. I got dressed and walked out of the bathroom. I was instantly engulfed in a hug.

" y/n I missed you so much and I didn't see you yesterday we'll have to catch up today!" Angelina said excitedly.
" angie I've missed you to do you wanna catch up on the way to breakfast?"
" yeah I've got so much to tell you" and with that we walked to breakfast arms linked talking and laughing the whole time. When we got to the great hall Fred George and lee weren't there. They had never been morning people. Me and angelina sat down next to each other and started eating breakfast waiting for the boys to come down.
Eventually they all came down and sat opposite us. Mcgonagall came around with our time tables and we all compared them.
" George what have you got first?" I asked.
" Me and Fred have charms with ravenclaw"
" Erm actually I have potions with hufflepuff " Fred said " swapped last minute"
George took Fred's timetable before reaching over and snatching mine.
" Funny how you and y/n have the exact time table" George said smirking at Fred. Fred shot him a warning look and took his time table back.
" Yeah weird" Fred replied.

" We should probably get going we have lessons in five minutes and we don't wanna be late on our first day" I said getting up from the table. When we got to the entrance of the great hall we all said our goodbyes and me and Fred headed to the dungeons.

We got there just in time and snape glared at us as we entered.
" You can both take a seat" snape ordered pointing to an empty desk near the back. We both walked to the desk and sat down watching snape talk slowly and irritatingly before he put the instructions on the chalkboard for a potion.
" One person can collect the ingredients while the other collects the cauldron and water" snape said painfully slow before walking to his desk and sitting down pulling out some parchment and beginning to write.
" I'll get the cauldron" I said to Fred.
" Okay love" he replied and set of to the cupboard to get all the ingredients.
When we both got the stuff we started on the potion.
" It says stir two times anti-clockwise" I said. Suddenly it exploded and a green thick slimy substance projected all over the classroom and all over everyone. I was at first in surprise but then started laughing loudly after seeing the looks on everyone's faces. Fred too started laughing and snape walked over to us with a nasty stare on his face.
" Detention miss y/l/n and mr Weasley after dinner you will return here and twenty points from Gryffindor"
Fred and I merely nodded our heads struggling to hold back laughter. When he walked back to his desk we started laughing once more just as the bell went.
" come on let's go" Fred said as we were picking up our things before pulling me from the classroom.
" Where are we going?" I asked as we walked from the classroom hand in hand.
" You'll see"

We walked for awhile and soon enough we were outside walking towards the black lake.
" Here love" Fred said sitting under a tree in the shade"
" why are we here Freddie? not that I mind"
" just thought we would get away and enjoy each other's company seen as though we haven't had a minute away from everyone in days and I figured the free period was the perfect opportunity" he explained wrapping his arm around my shoulder and pulling me in close to him. We sat there for a while in bliss talking about little things.
" I've been reading this muggle book recently and it's really good"
" oh yeah what's it called?" Fred asked.
" it's called wonder, I have it here in fact" I said reaching into my bag for it. I passed him the book and he examined it and reading the blurb. He opened the book to where the bookmark was and started reading aloud to us both. My stomach filled with butterflies. Fred's voice was calm and smooth and yet held so much emotion. I stared up at him as he read. I was trying to memorise every freckle that danced upon his face. Every hair that hung messily. His honey brown eyes that sparkled in the sun. His crooked smile that I loved to see more than anything. It was prefect. He was perfect.

Consolations : Fred weasley x readerDonde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora