Chapter 23 (finale)

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(stream life goes on!! stream BE!!)

Jung P.O.V 

i was nervous. i was restless. i was expecting something but what was it? i don't know what was coming my way or anything that was going to happen. 

i woke up today morning, did my usual thing and once lunch was done i have been oddly anxious and nervous. i don't know what it was but i felt like something is coming my way.

i look to the TV and Hyun was caught. he was being arrested for trying to kill Jimin and I,  for stealing money from Jimin and for trying to take over the company. but how did this happen?

flashback~ Y/N P.O.V 

as soon as we were about to leave i saw Hyun's car pull up in the drive way. i knew he was going to find out everything as soon as he saw Mina so we quickly left to my room with all the clothes and everything. 

i sat down with Mina after locking the door and calmed her down. Jimin was going to handle Hyun until we come out. once we looked like we were okay, we walked out. we left for shopping as planned. i made Jennie call me and act like it was an emergency. i excused myself from the meeting saying there was something urgent at the office and that i would join them later. 

in actuality, Jennie had found out a warehouse that Hyun was apparently visiting quite often. we managed to break in and searched up the place. while i was looking through the stuff in the room, the light fixture in the bathroom looked weird/ suspicious. i walked into the washroom to find a box over it. i pulled it out and found CDs, USBs, and other documents regarding the swap of Jimin and Jung. 

i quickly gave it all Jennie and asked her to leave to the station to i can go back to the group and make it look like it was or normal. we quickly drove to the shopping mall as i quickly changed and made myself look like i just went to the office and came straight to the mall. Jennie called my secretary and told her to tell anyone that asked about me that i had dropped by the office for a work emergency. 

i walked back to them and 30min later, police showed up with a arrest warrant and a search warrant to his house, office and all his properties. 


"that is for touching me just now. and those handcuffs are for trying to destroy my sister's life and my life. don't try pull tricks because everything you do from now is going to court with you ending up in a jail cell to rot for all your life.." he was quivering in fever. Jimin pulled me next to him as i held Mina from ripping him apart. 

"I HOPE YOU DIE A HORRIBLE DEATH WITH NO ONE THERE TO CLAIM YOUR BODY! I HOPE YOU ROT IN A JAIL AND ARE TREATED WORSE IN YOU NEXT LIFE EVEN!!! just know, if you ever show up in front of me again, i will ripe you apart with my own hands! is that understood?" she said as shaking Hyun nodded. he was quickly taken away and i hugged Mina as Jimin comforted the both of us. 

"lets go see you husband Mina" Jimin said as she looked at him with hopeful eyes. 

end flashback~

Jimin P.O.V 

we finally made it to the hospital and Mina was getting impatient. we walked in and Y/N held onto Mina as tight i she could so she wouldn't loose her strength to stand up on her feet. we walked down to the hall and into the room that said Park Lee-sung. it was needed to keep him safe as he healed. he was very close to discharge anyway, he was to discharge in two days.

we walked in and jung was looking out of the window. he looked peaceful and well taken care of. he was one good looking man and his features were soft. he turned around expecting to see me standing with some new Mina news but instead he saw Mina standing with teary eyes.

"Mina......." he said softly and she moved as fast as lightening into his arms. they hugged with all the life they had. Y/N walked to me and hugged me as she smiled like an angel.

"it feels right to have them this way... together and happy" Y/N said as she looked up at me with her beautiful eyes. i missed her so much!

Mina P.O.V

"i missed you so much Mina. i love you!" Jung said and i looked at him in the eye. he looked so much at peace. he looked healthy and had his beautiful smile was back.

"i missed you so much!" i said as i hugged him. i turned around and looked at the most beautiful couple.

"thank you so much Park Jimin... you are the Gentleman that saved my life along with family.." i said and i hugged him.

Author's P.O.V 

Mina hugged Jimin as Y/N and Jung met for the first time. the four were meant to met and pull through. yes, what Jimin did might be wrong to some but what he did save an entire family. yes he might have put his father, his partner and his world in pain but that was worth this beautiful family he saved.

life takes all of us on a journey and some of the things that happen break you down, tear you part and make you feel pain. they are all a part of this beautiful journey called life. this journey is one where you find people that come to stay forever, some come to harm you, some come and part, some are made to leave but they leave their mark on you that makes you, you. life is like a boxing match. it tries to knock you down but when you do fall you learn. you grow and grow to a point where one day you can knock life down. 

i know it can be hard. i want you to know there is someone in this world that is rooting for you and wants you to be the fighter you are. you can get through it! you will! lets knock life down together!  

hey readers! 

that is the end of the book! 

i know this seems like a abrupt ending but i don't know if i can keep writing this book because it has been unfinished for so long. i know its not the best ending you probably hoped for but thank you for reading this book! 

i hope you read my other stories. i recently started working on a new one and it a quite special. i hope you enjoy it! 

well bye bye~

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