Chapter 5

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Mina P.O.V (still in the past...)

I packed my bags and all the arrangements had been made for us to leave. we were going to go in the train this time and not by plane..... more like the locals!

Jung Woo booked the tickets and we were about to leave my house. 

"bye mom! take care of yourself!" i said to my mom and gave her one last hug before leaving with Jung Woo.

we both took the bus to the station and made it there just in time. when we reached our seats, there was another couple there but they looked a little younger than us. we smiled at them and sat down opposite to them.

we all started to talk and our train felt the station. we talked and they explained to us that they were in love but their parents would never agree to them being together so they found jobs in a different country....

"we couldn't take flights from here since his parents would find us immediately so we decided to travel to jeju-do to take flights from there so, we wouldn't be found...." the girl explained and i thought...

'what's it like to be love? what would my parents do if i were to tell them that i liked someone? would mum let me marry the one i love or someone that she chose for me?'

"MINA!" all of them shouted and i came out of my daydream...

"OMG! YES!" i jumped at the sudden noise...

"are you okay? you looked like you were in deep thought...." Jung Woo asked and i nodded my head in response.

"yeah, just thinking if mum is okay or not.... i've never gone out of the house for so many days leaving mum after dad passed away..." i said... it was true but i wasn't thinking about that....

we all talked and suddenly a bunch of drunk dudes came into our couch and started to say things that are really vulgar to be said to a girl/ female.

(guys i won't write any of the stuff the dudes said since i have some young viewers here!)

i was disgusted and suddenly Jung Woo punched the guy who spoke to me. the guy fell over and Jung Woo kept beating him. i quickly jumped onto my feet and pulled him to stop. the other drunk guys quickly apologized in their haze and out of fear. they picked the guy on the floor and left the scene quickly.

Jung Woo was still mad...

"Jung look at me!" i said and he still looked at the guys that were leaving our couch slowly.

"Jung!" i said louder and he  finally looked at me. 

"calm down! its fine! i'm fine!" i said with a warm smile as i looked at him in the eye. he immediately hugged me and i could hear his heart beat slow down. i hugged him back and then realised what just happened. i was a blushing tomato.... we stopped hugging and i quickly went to the washroom to calm down. 

i heard a knock and it was JUNG WOO! GOD WHY?!

"Mina, are you okay? you've been in there for 10 mins now.... do you need anything? is everything okay?" he said and there was worry in his voice.

"y-yeah, i'm fine Jung! i'll be there in 5 mins!" i said and heard footsteps. i breathed and walked back to our couch. everyone was ready with dinner. the other couple was already eating but Jung Woo was patiently waiting for me.

"Jung Woo you could have started.... you didn't have to wait for me!" i said as i sat down.

"i was worried about you and i couldn't have gotten any food down knowing you weren't okay!" he said and my heart skipped a beat!

'does he really like me that much? or is he doing this to just get married to me?'

'but whatever it is.... i think i have started to fall for him....'

we all had our meals and decided to sleep since we'll be reaching jeju sometime in the early afternoon. 

i tired hard to fall asleep but all i can think of how warm and protective Jung's embrace was. he was so angry at the guy that he was shaking, and his heart was beating so fast. 

'do you really love me Jung?'

'will you love me the same way even after we get married?'

i decided i would atleast go out of our couch and get some fresh air... and to my surprise Jung Woo was also there.

"hi.." i said and walked up to him.

"oh! hi! i assume ur not able to sleep either?" he asked and i nodded.

"what are you thinking about if you mind sharing..."i said and he smiled.

"just thinking about what it would be like if i had a family of my own... you know..." i looked at him in the eye and i could see galaxies in them.

"what kind of a father would i be to my childern? what kind of husband would i be to my wife?" he said as he looked around. 

"i don't know what it would be like if you had your know family... but.... i know you would make one of the the best father's in the world. the girl that marries you would be very very lucky and blessed. i'm sure for a fact that you would make the most loving husband...." i said and he looked at me.....

Hello guys!

i know! i know i've been gone for a very long time! i am so sorry! my life wasn't treating me very well and i was a wreck! so i took some time off! i'm back now and i'm back with all the creativity and an amazing story plan ahead! 

thank you for still supporting my story! 

love ya~ 


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