Chapter 6

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Mina P.O.V 

i woke up in the morning in a much much better mood then i usually do. Jung Woo was the reason for this happiness and this smile on my face. i had stopped being happy after my father passed away. he was my world and my happiness. with his passing, my happiness passed as well..but Jung Woo. he makes me want to smile! he makes me want to be happy. 

we all got dressed and talked for 2 hours. after a while we finally reached....

"i hope one day your parents would accept your relationship..... and i wish all the very best for your future!"

"yeah, i hope you both always stay happy! just remember that it will be difficult. there will be difficulties in life, but just remember to lean on each other. figure things out as a family! i wish that you have all the happiness and love that you deserve. all the best for your present and your future!" Jung Woo said and i looked at him with the most adoration i have ever felt for someone.

we both took the bus to our cottage and it was in the woods with the simple necessities that we might need....

we both took the bus to our cottage and it was in the woods with the simple necessities that we might need

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since it was quite in the woods... there weren't many stores and locals around. we were in a kind of isolated place. it was indeed beautiful and peaceful...

we both unpacked a little and decided to go explore....we walked around and it was SO BEAUTIFUL! 

 i was walking and spotted some tiny mushrooms around with some flowers around it

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 i was walking and spotted some tiny mushrooms around with some flowers around it. i looked at it for awhile and Jung Woo spoke up...

"these mushrooms apparently are like a crazy/ happy pill. they make you really happy and crazy. the world starts to spin around...." he said as he walked up to me.

"I WANT TO TRY ONE!" i said with excitement. he looked at me for a second, maybe thinking whether or not to give one to me...

"fine, but i really don't want to!" he said and plucked the mushroom of the floor and took the flower next to it. he squeezed out the juice from the flower onto the mushroom and give it to me.

"i'll be fine!" i said and ate it.

"i don't feel anything....." i said and he gave me one more....  thats when things started to get crazy. everything was spinning around and i felt crazy happy! like as if i could take over the world. i made another one myself and ate it...  but i could here Jung saying something faintly...

i ate it and the whole process that happened last time happened all over again. this time i started to get dizzy and everything went blank...

i woke up and Jung was talking to whom i thought was a doctor....

"Jung..." i said faintly but he must have heard me. he quickly turned around and came to me. he held my hand and the doctor came towards us...

"don't worry dear, you just have a high fever because you ate those mushrooms.... you'll be fine soon!" he said and felt us.

i looked at him and he guilt written all over his face...

"Jung, its not your fault! i was the one that forced you to give me one!" i said.

"No! its my mistake! i wish i had been more stern..... you think that's what i was going to say?" he said with a smirk. i was confused....

"i made sure to take you in that path so you can have those mushroom and u die. i can take over your company and become the richest man!" he said and i was in shock. my mind crashed and tears started to flow. 

"WHY WOULD YOU DO-" I started to scream at him but I was quickly cut off by his worried voice.

"OMG! that was a really bad joke! i didn't mean for it to make you cry! shit! i am so sorry!" he said immediately wiping my tears away. he apologized another hundred times before i finally forgave him....

"you look beautiful smiling Mina... always keep smiling. i'm sure ur dad would want to see you like this more than your sad self!" he said and kissed my forehead.

"thank you" i said blushing...

'you really made me fall for you Jung Woo... i hope i'm still in your heart....'

"go to sleep Mina. you need all the rest you can get!" he said and as he covered me up. 

"i want to marry you Jung Woo..." i said softly before falling asleep......

hey guys!

double update! woho!

anyway, THE MAP OF SOUL 7 album is out and i can't tell you all the emotions i was going through while listening to the songs! i was fangirling and squealing on side and on the other I was crying and sobbing. 

this album was so different to anything that they have done before and i'm loving it! their voices are divine and the song lyrics are so good! 

okay... thats it for now!

byee~ see you next week!

love ya~


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