Chapter 4

14 2 4

Y/N P.O.V 

Present day~

"i'm sure you know what happens after...?" I asked Mina and gave me a big smile.

"but how did you end up in London?" Mina asked curiously.

"well, we were going really well but suddenly Jimin's father fell sick, very sick and Jimin's happiness fell the same way. he was stressed and would end up crying himself to sleep every night. I felt terrible!  i wanted help and Jimin asked me to take over for a few months until his father was back to normal. its been a while since Jimin and I talked. he knows that I'm gone to London since I sent him a bracelet in my memory. wait actually, I have a picture of it..." said and pulled out my phone to show her the picture...

"he doesn't know when I am coming back  so I thought I would surprise him

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"he doesn't know when I am coming back  so I thought I would surprise him...." I said with a small smile on my face.

"I hope everything will be okay once you go back. I'm glad you both found each other. you seem like a match made in heaven. just beautiful!" Mina said as she held my hand. I felt a connection with her. she was like this bestie that everyone needed in their lives. she didn't show sympathy for the sake of formality but she genuinely meant it. 

"thank you so much Mina! now your time to tell me your story!" I said and the air hostess came with our food.

"hello! these are your dinner trays! thk you for flying with us. have a good dinner!" she said and moved to the next seat.

"thk you!" we both said in unison and laughed at the coincidence.

"well Mina please begin..." I said and started to have my food as mina went into flashback mode.

Mina P.O.V (I know! long awaited)


well, I am the daughter and the only heir of my dad's company. my father was an amazing man but he passed away when I was 18. since then I had to take over the company and manage everything. I brought the company into the top 10 section. my mother felt the need to get me into an arranged marriage. she thought that it would help me ease out from the stress since I would get some help. but I knew that this wasn't going to be easy. there were a lot men that come in to see me but all I could see in their eyes was the love for my money and not me.

then came Ha Jung Woo. he was different. he was an interesting person. the way he spoke, the way he looked at me seemed different.

"i would love to marry you Mina but are you okay with it aswell?" he asked and my heart melted. no one had ever asked me my opinion.

"i don't know.... look its just that i don't know you. i don't know anything about. i can't marry someone and live with them my entire life without know anything..." i said and he smiled. he had one of the most beautiful smile in the world.

"well thats fair! how about we go to busan or any other place that you wish to go together. we'll go have fun. that way you get to know me and i get to know you. after we come back you can make the decision to marry me or not. deal?" he asked, looking at me.

"well... mum? are you okay with me going if i want to go?" i looked at her and she was still surprised. 

"no one has offered this to you and i feel like he would be the ideal one for you. but since both of you want to get to know each other i will let it happen. if you want to go you can..." she said with a smile. 

we all talked for a while. he gave me his personal number and asked me to tell him what my decision was in a few days.

Two Days Later~

its been two days and i haven't told Jung Woo anything yet. i though a lot abt it and decided maybe a pros and cons list would help.

"okay so, pros... 1. i get to know him 2. i get a break from work 3. i might fall for him 4. if not fall in love i atleast make a new friend 5. i can explore the place i've always wanted to go 6. i have freedom..." i made the pros now the cons...

"well.... 1. i could get kidnapped 2. he could kill me 3. he could turnout to be a creep" i said and could think of nothing else..

'maybe this is worth the risk..?' i thought and  decided to text him.

Jung Woo=JW Mina=M

M: hey, i just wanted to talk to you abt the trip... do you have time?

JW: hey! yeah sure tell me what it is? 

M: i was thinking we should....

JW: *drum roll and deep music in the background*

i laughed at his humour.


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