Chapter 9

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Y/N P.O.V 

Jimin's room was empty and there were flowers under his picture. some posters with his picture on it and it said 'MISSING' in bold. my world came to a pause. I turned around and Mr. Park or whom a call Appa was standing behind me. he had his head was hanging low and tears were filling his eyes. I laugh feeling nervous and fearful...

"this is a prank right?! RIGHT?!" I said and he looked at me with the most pitiful face. my legs gave up on me and I was about to collapse on the ground if not for appa I would have fallen. he caught me and hugged me tight.

I was sobbing! I want him! I NEED him! he was my one and only! I can't loose him! 

all the memories we had together suddenly started to invade my mind. Tears started to flow faster and there was a flood of tears coming out. I didn't want to think about anything but Jimin. I wanted to hug him, kiss him, tell him how much I missed him and how much I love him!

we both calmed down and the maid gave me some tissues and water to help me calm down. 

"what happened?" I asked with a soft and groggy voice due to all the crying.

"this happened 3 weeks ago..."


Mr. Park P.O.V 

I was sitting in the balcony  taking in some fresh air and thinking about Jimin. 

he has grown so much. he has become so responsible. in the start, I could see stress on his face and I stopped seeing the genuine smile on his face but ever since Y/N came into his life..... he changed! he smiles so much more. he always looks at her with this adoration that I can't explain. he loves her and I can clearly see it. they both are such opposite that they work out so well. they are like two puzzle pieces that had to meet to make one beautiful picture.

he came through the door dressed to leave for meetings or work. he smiled at me and gave me a glass of coffee while getting on for himself as well. we have had this habit of sitting together in the morning and spending about an hour or so ,together ever since my wife passed.

"how are you feeling today appa?" he asked

"good... what are you planning to do today?" 

"well, i have a couple of meetings first and i have some work at office. but appa....i need advice for something important...." he said and i looked at him nodding.

"i want to give something to Y/N for apologizing as well as show my gratitude to her for all she has done. she helped me out with the company and took over the company on last minute notice. while making sure not to cause me any trouble. i didn't even call her after all the help, so i want to give her something....." he said with slight blush forming on his cheeks.

"well, my son! do something that makes her understand that you are very thankful that she is in your life and at the same time that you will make up for ur mistake...." i said and patted his back. he nodded understanding and left for work.

i waited the entire day for him to come back hoping we could maybe have dinner together and a drink but he never made it back home. 

'i think he is busy with work since he's going back after a long time.' I thought as i went off to sleep.

then next morning i woke up and asked the helpers about Jimin. they seemed to have not known anything about Jimin and that worried me. i called Jimin and his secretary. his secretary knew nothing either and that worried me even more. i quickly called the security head and asked him to start search for Jimin.

End Flashback~

Y/N P.O.V 

"ever since then they haven't found anything about Jimin. they suspect.... he-he-" i finished the statement for him trying to hold my tears....

"he might be dead.."

"yes...." appa said. i couldn't hold back anymore and tears start to flow again...

time skip~

i walked into my apartment and mochi was brought back home a few hours before i came. he was curled up in a ball near the window and i figured he might have heard the news since he was living with jimin while i was gone. 

Mochi was one of the smartest dogs i've ever seen. he seems to understand everything and he seems to have a very close attachment to Jimin and I. i walked to him and hugged him while crying myself to sleep on the floor.

a couple of hours later~

i was woken up by the door bell and Mochi had woken up as well... i answered the door and there was a reporter.

"hi, i am Jennie. i work for the media and i want to talk to you about to ur boyfrnd Jimin's missing case..." she said and i walked her in. she sat down on the couch and i washed my face not wanting to look like a zombie in front of her. 

"well, what do you want to know?" i asked politely.

"everything you know... just tell me everything..." she said gently and i narrated the story appa told me. 

"okay, you know very little as well i see... well, this is what we know too but i wanted to talk to you because i think that this missing was not like a simple kidnap and ask for money. i think this a very pre-planned murder and kidnap....." she said and my eyes widened.

"what?! why would anyone want to do anything to him? he was always so humble and soft spoken with everyone. he never got angry even in the worst of moments! who would want to do this to him?" i asked.

"i have a guess  but i don't know for sure....." she said and she took some papers out of her bag.....

"him" she said as she placed a picture on the coffee table. my eyes almost popped out of my sockets in disbelief...

"Ha Jung Woo...." 

hey guys~

I hope you enjoyed the chapter! don't forget to vote and comment ur opinions in the comments! I would love to read them!

this story is going to get really interesting from here on so do read! 

well, stay healthy and stay safe at home!

thks for reading! byeee~ see you next chapter~

love you guys~

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