No matter the cost

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After being taken back to the nurses office, they were patched up and resting. Ryuketsu sat right beside Iida, refusing to leave until he woke up. She cussed Aizawa out several times for demanding she left. Their survival was all she was worried about. Next it was Nezu's time to talk to her. "Hello Miss Ryuketsu. May I have a quick chat with you?"
"If this is just me taking a statement, Okay. I can't leave his side though. I have to make sure they both wake up." He obligated to her requests. He pulled up a chair to sit and talk with her. "Why do you hurt them? I know you were supposed to fight them but why stab them when they were already down?" He asked. "I don't even remember stabbing them." She said in frustration. Everyone hates her so much and this just takes that cake. Stabbing them both? People are going to start protesting for her imprisonment. "What do you remember then?" He asked. "The blonde was on Iida's back and activated his quirk. I went blank for a minute and when I came back to, the knife was already in them and blood was everywhere." Ryu felt incredibly terrible for it. It would be her fault if they died or was left with permanent damage. It was her fault they were laying in hospital beds. "Why do you think this happened? I was watching as well and it looked like something switched in your mind." Nezu needed to find reason to keep this girl out of jail. She's only a child who obviously didn't mean it. Their parents will need a reason too. "Do you have any history of mental health issues?" He asked. Ryu immediately knew where this conversation would go. "Not that I know of. Depression here and there sometimes. Nothing too bad." "Can you tell me about your life before your assassin work? I've noticed you never speak of your family and you say 'boss' instead of parent which makes me think they're not your parent at all. Tell me about your childhood." No! What the fuck?! Her heart raced to the thought of even trying to remember her childhood. Even her days before assassinating people. "I don't want to talk about that. It's honestly not even something worth even remembering." Nezu noticed her attitude change when he asked about her previous life. She began more irritable and anxious. Nezu respected her wishes not to speak on it. "Thank you for talking with me. You are allowed to stay here but you're released to your dorm room for the evening. Try not to engage with anyone besides staff." The bear, mouse animal thingy of a man placed the chair where he retrieved it from and left the room.
A few minutes later Iida's eyes started fluttering. When Ryu noticed, she accidentally squeezed his hand in excitement. She jolted up when she felt him squeeze her hand back. He seemed to still be asleep which made her a bit upset. He suddenly bursted in laughter. "Wait let me try that again." Iida said before closing his eyes again. "You asshole. I'm glad you're okay." Iida smiled seeing her so excited to see him. "I am so sorry. I swear I didn't mean to hurt you, I don't even remember making a knife to stab with. Point is I'm really sorry and I hope we can still be friends after this." He held out his hand for her to grab. His huge hands engulfed hers, it made her feel tiny compared to him. "It wasn't you so I can be mad about it. You lost it, that's all. You need to work on it though. We can't have you just nearly killing people whenever." Ryu nodded as she agreed with Iida. "I'll try to see why that's happening. I want to be better. Not preppy hero better though. I'm glad I didn't kill you. I've hurt heroes before and never felt bad about it. When I saw you bleeding I was really scared. I'm usually not scared so feel special." The two laughed until they saw Kaminari stirring in his sleep. "You think he's waking up?" Ryuketsu asked Iida. They both stayed quiet and just stared at him. "Hey du- AH!" Kaminari jumped out of the hospital bed and pointed at Ryu. "YOU TRIED TO KILL US!" "I'm really sorry about that. I wholeheartedly didn't intent on hurting you. I hope you can forgive me and move on from this." A villain apologizing to him? The bad guy begging for forgiveness? This has to be a dream. She tried to kidnap Momo and fought his classmates before. She's bad..? Kaminari was conflicted. Should he accept the apology? She sounded like she actually meant it. Or is she faking it so she doesn't get in trouble? It's not like he knew what happened after he passed out. "Uhhh.." "I get it if you don't forgive me. I stabbed you and I've showed to be untrustworthy and dangerous. I really didn't mean to this time. Like this stuff I did before, I can admit to. I didn't mean to hurt anyone and I'm so sorry." Maybe she wasn't a evil villain planning to murder all heroes. "I forgive you if Iida does too." The blonde said. "Ryuketsu you are forgiven." Iida said. He was supposed to be the reasonable one so if he said she's telling the truth then she has to be. "I'm totally fucked when you get released. I promised to stay here with you no matter the cost so I'm going to prison after this." The black haired girl laughed in defeat. She was most definitely getting a harsh punishment after this and there was no excusing her actions this time. She has committed multiple crime in different occasions. Ryu was definitely making the other villains look like saints. It was fun while it lasted. So long UA high and goodbyes heroes

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