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The next day rolled around and Nezu stood in the front of the class quietly bickering with Aizawa. "No, I will not allow it." The usually tired man said. "Luckily you're not the principal." The mouse, bear rodent looking man said while smiling. Ryuketsu was nervous to say the least. Aizawa kinda scared her and she isn't really scared of anything. This girl has had a gun to her head multiple times, been chased by the police on occasion and work side by side with murderers everyday, hell she's even a murderer herself. Knowing he could make a call and have her chained up made her heart stop. It was clear he didn't like her or the other villains and he had reason to. They all at least once endangered his student which is wrong but his hatred for them was a bit extreme. "Hello students of 1-A today is a special day. TODAY THE REHABILITATION STUDENTS WILL BE JOINING YOU IN YOUR PHYSICAL HERO TRAINING!" Nezu said. The student gasped and expressed their concern. "They are dangerous. No offense but your judgment is clouded with hope. It's ridiculous to let they use their quirks of us." Momo said. "It isn't fair if you train but we can't. We would just being sitting there watching y'all do the work. How are we supposed to be like you if we are treated differently?" Ryu asked in a nonchalant tone. "SHE HELD ME HOSTAGE AND TRIED TO KIDNAP ME!" Momo yelled. "Whatever just be glad you're still alive sweet cheeks." When she turned around she caught a glimpse of Iida's face. When did he become overwhelmingly good looking? "They are evil, Principal Nezu please don't take pity on them." Momo said. "It's not a matter of pity. I want to see their performance with their quirks."
The students were taken outside. The villains' quirks were already known so they'd just have to show the way they used them. They were allowed to wear the 'villain costumes' because they best equipped their quirks (Dabi would burn his clothes off if he wears the gym uniform).
Heroes vs Villains, how delightful? The villains were more experienced with fights and had fought them before so they had the advantage. Two on one would work perfectly. Each villain gets two heroes and it was an all out brawl. Only rule was don't kill anyone.
Denki and Iida paired up against Ryu. Bakugo and Uraraka against Shigaraki, Deku and Ashido on Toga and Todoroki and Tokoyami against Dabi.
Shigaraki went first because he could do damage quickly, his quirk aided his way to victory. Bakugo and Uraraka constant clashing which gave Shigaraki enough time to trap them both. Bakugo wanted to do it by himself while Uraraka had a plan. In the end Shigarki disintegrated part of the ground making them both fall in as the argued who had the better plan.
Next was Toga, Deku was quick with attacks. Mina threw her acid at Toga. Of course the knife demon in Toga came out, cutting them up. Slice after slice they got weaker, Mina couldn't keep up and collapsed of exhaustion. Toga started dipping her blades in sedative serums to slow down her opponent. Deku still had a little left in him so he used whatever energy he had and jumped on her, pinning her down. Toga could still fight him but it wasn't worth going all out if she couldn't take his blood. Toga let the heroes take the win. Dabi's turn next. The villains knew how'd this would play out. Dabi was one with his blue flames so his movement were almost like he was dancing. He'd take the win for sure. Todoroki tried to block Dabi's movements with ice but the man is just too hot to be stopped. No amount of ice could keep him busy for too long. His bright blue flame also kept dark shadow away so it was pretty much Todoroki vs Dabi. It took Dabi no time to get the son of endeavor on his knees. Pretty dumb to put a shadow quirk against a fire quirk. Todoroki tried to land his attacks but it wasn't working. Dabi was just beating his ass and lighting in his face. No amount of fire or ice could even lay a scratch on him. Eventually Todoroki was tired out and that round ended.
Villains 2 - Heroes 1
Last round, Ryu's turn. Ryuketsu smiled as she walked forwards to begin her fight. She was excited to see Iida's fighting style. She knew nothing about Kaminari but he couldn't be too hard to handle. "You ready babe?" She asked Iida as he stood before her. "Of course but the real question here is Are you ready?" Iida had his plan all made up. He'd disorient her with his running around her and Kaminari will shock her until she was subdued. Ryu had an idea of what would happen. Kaminari was probably supposed to take her down since he was a walking taser. Iida could possibly join in on fighting her but she knew she was fast too. "GO!" Nezu yelled while waving the white flag signaling the start of the fight. Iida quickly Sprang into action, doing his part. Throwing attacks at her to distract from Kaminari's surprise attack. She noticed that he had multiple chancing to actually hit her but never did. He was calculating his attacks and making sure not to make contact with her! Why though? She wondered. The other one, he was not to be seen. While dodging Iida's attacks, she caught a glimpse of his hair behind her. So this was their plan? Box her in and double on her? Sword demon. She made two small incisions of her forearms to make herself bleed. Time for the real fun to begin. "This is gonna get good!" Dabi smirked as he watched the girl preparing herself to go all out. Toga knew there was definitely gonna be so blood shed if Ryu actually put in effort. Shigaraki smiled knowing they had no chance against her. Ryuketsu was just too good to be beaten. "Give them hell!" Ryu hears from the group of other students. The blood that dripping from her arms made two very shape swords. Now it was a diving game on their part. Without hesitation, Ryu began swinging them at Iida making them both go into the opposite direction of Kaminari. "You'd think I wouldn't notice? Come on, I'm an assassin for fucks sake." The told the blue haired boy. "Dammit." He muttered. He planned for it to end quick and smoothly. New plan and it needs to be done fast. He managed to slip past her and got to Kaminari. The taller of the two quickly whispers something to him before putting the electric blonde of his back. "Doubling up, huh?" She said laughing. Kaminari powered up his quirk while Iida ran to her on his top speed. That flash a electricity blurring with Iida's speed make her head spin. Oh no
He zipped past her, striking the girl once more. "Please no more. I'm sorry." She begged for the one sided fight to end but he wouldn't listen. "You made your bed bitch so lay in it." She could already feel the bruises begin to form. "I'll stop defying you please stop. It hurts so bad and I have training in the morning." She kneed on the ground while holding her stomach. Maybe eating wasn't the best choice for her. "Consider this your training then." He used his speed quirk to hit her harder. That flash of bright yellow, made her flinch every time. "Get the hell up and fight back!"
Her mind went blank and you could see that on her face. Her eyes were dull and she made no movements. Toga could sense something was off but she needed to know what it was. She elbowed the guys and told them to look at her and find what was different. Ryu looked emotionless. Iida was determined to win so he continued fighting her only this time she wasn't moving with him. Her fighting style had completely changed. Instead of running at her, her ran around her giving Kaminari the opportunity to attack her for any point. When he was close enough the blonde held out his hand to give her a shock of her lifetime. Splat Splat. She impaled them both with her swords. Bad, bad, bad. That sent a panic to the villains because they'd rather be locked away in jail than see Ryuketsu chained up again.
She was know the one in power. He was the one of the ground begging for mercy. She lifted her blood red sword again to end his life. No more abuse, no more him, no more worries. She'd be free from her prison. Her weapon shifted into a smaller knife but the width of the blade was much wider. Easy stabbing, his red bodily fluids gushed from the penetration wound.
Her eyes widen as she realized her hands from the knifes. "What-" blood on her hands? BLOOD IN HER HANDS! But who? Oh no oh no oh no. NOOOO! Not them. She looked down to see both boys with her knifes sticking out of their sides. Tears came to her eyes realizing she had done that. Blood was rushing from the wound. In a panicked state she immediately put pressure on it. "I NEED HELP PLEASE! They're bleeding a lot! I'm sorry I didn't mean to, I don't even remember doing this." Just when he was beginning trust her, she goes and stabs him up. She knew the pain most likely knocked them out. Aizawa and Nezu rushed over to the three teenagers. "GO GET RECOVERY GIRL NOW!" The black haired man yelled to his other students. "Please don't die. I didn't mean to do this to you. IIDA OPEN YOUR EYES AND LOOK AT ME! Tell me you'll try your hardest not to die. And him I didn't even need to hurt you. I'm sorry, so sorry." Remorse was present in her actions. She held on to both of them, trying to minimize the bleeding and making sure they still had pulses. "SEE I TOLD YOU THIS WAS A RECKLESS AND DANGEROUS IDEA! THEY ARE VILLAINS ANS THATS ALL THEYLL EVER BE! She just tried to kill my students again! TELL YOUR COP FRIENDS TO COME ARREST HER NOW!" She knew she deserved to me locked away, she deserved to have everything ripped away from her but all she could think of was Iida. His survival was more important than the consequence she'd get after. She held his hand, blood dripping from them both. "Please stay alive. We are friends now and I want to know more about you. I want to spend more time with you." Moments later Recovery girl and four other men came rushing out to them. They put the boys on stretchers and hurried back inside. Ryuketsu was right behind them. "Where do you think you're going?" Aizawa angrily asked. "I have to make sure they stay alive. I still have morals you know." She shouted back as she continued tailing the medical professionals.

Hey guys I hope you liked that longer chapter. Almost 2,000 words so I'm pretty proud of myself. I know I'm late but happy holidays.
Until next chapter loves🥰

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