Kill squad

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Recap: Ryu was recuffed but her ankles were also chained together which caused one of her repressed memories to resurface. With having remembered being a raped by a guy that both her and her parents trusted, she had a panic attack which the other villains didn't know was happening. The three members of LOV took initiative to protect the girl in her time of vulnerability.

Dabi swung his hand cuffs as hard as he could into Midnight's stomach. "She said stop." He growled. Murderous intent surrounded them as they stood guard protecting their friend. "There's three of us with these heavy hand cuffs on and a few of you. You saw what Ryu did, triple it. Your student are gonna die if we're not given the keys to the cuffs and all the shit that's on her." Midnight was on the floor groaning in pain. "You assault a pro hero and threaten children but expect rewards." Aizawa argued. "Pick eraser shit or that big boobed bimbo bitch won't be the only one out of the window." Toga narrowed her eyes to show that she wasn't bullshitting. After a few intense seconds of starring at each other, Nezu broke it up by giving unlocked their cuffs and chains of the villains. Toga immediately hugged Ryu as tight as she could. The blonde almost bursted into tears feeling relief that Ryu wasn't having a break down anymore. Dabi repeatedly called her name trying to get her attention and waved his hand in her face. Still looking shocked and scared, Ryu looked up at him. The turquoise eyed man cracked a small smile at her. "It's nice to have you back kid." Shigaraki said as he patted her head making sure not to touch her with all five fingers. More tears fell from Ryuketsu's cheeks. "Thank you." She mouthed you the men. She then wrapped her arms around Toga, holding her just as tight as she was. "Ryu." The blonde whispered. "Thank you for not giving up on me." She said. The students starred in awe at their moment of bonding. "Don't go scaring us like that again." Shigarki said. "No promises." The teenage assassin said chuckling. "You're so fucking weird." Toga cackled. Dabi rubbed Ryu's cheeks with his thumb wiping them dry of any tears. "That plan yesterday was solid. I have to say that. It was absolutely genius but why the fuck did you stay around? You could easily left before everyone could catch you." Ryu laughed Remembering it. "I know I was being way too cocky. Lesson learned. Hey you remember when we were caught that day?" The four practically screamed in delight. "Yeah that shit was hilarious. That hero grabbed my ankle and you blew him up with that grenade." Toga said. "But the shit before. Ugh that was absolutely delightful. All those body on the floor and that blood. Fuck I miss that." Both Toga and Ryu sat reminiscing of the blood bath. "This shit of not setting fuckers on fire is really getting to me. Lock me up because I was ready for these heroes not to negotiate so I could kill somebody." They laughed together. "You know what I miss? Mochi, Katsudon and hot sauce." Ryu said.
"Yeah your food wasn't completely garbage." Shiagaraki admitted. "Aww you liked my cooking." The 20 year old rolled his eyes. "I didn't say that idiot. It didn't taste like sewage water soup." "Wait why do we always have lunch detentions? Why can't we eat like everyone else?" Dabi laughed hard and loud. "That really shouldn't be coming from you." Ryu rolled her eyes at the man. "Besides yesterday and a little bit of today you've been really good." "You dont eat with them because it's dangerous. You need your hands available to eat and having easy access to your quirk with future heroes is dangerous." Aizawa said. "Lunch detentions are punishment, before yesterday I don't think we deserved lunch detentions and one of your student often threats their classmates with death and you punish him." "He's here to be a hero. You're here so you don't go to jail." The eraser quirked man said. "If we're in the rehabilitation program, how are we supposed to be reformed if we're treated as criminals? I feel a bit of prejudice." Ryu argues. "You literally were just bragging about killing a hero." He shot back. "We are here to become respectable citizens, maybe even be heroes. We choose to be here for shit and giggles. Why so angry? We're recovering Villains. I personally don't think I can give up my job for obvious reasons but Toga would make excellent spy, Shiagraki a person to demolish old buildings. That would be cool now that I think about it. And Dabi a welder or something. I like what I do and so do they but that's not to say we are good is some perspective." She continued lawyering for them. "I get to pick what jobs I do. I have that privilege so I can kill whoever I feel like. I refuse to take jobs that hurt single parents and if I do I put a Hefty amount of money into the person's will before they did or I'll transfer money into their accounts so they'll be financially stable for a while if the manage their money right. I don't kill kids either, that's fucked up. I never kill people with small children. Just some rules I've made up during my time of employment. To some I'm a hero and a person with morals, to other I'm a cold hearted bitch. It just depends of perspectives. I don't think people who request an assassination a pedo think I'm a bad person." She let the heroes think about that for a second. "Dabi erasing people from the face of the earth that probably should've existed in the first place. Some goes for Shigarki. Toga just wants to walk I'm someone else's shoes for a day. We're not inherently bad guys, you just see us that way because you know are the perspectives of 'heroism'. If you'd see it from our point of view, you see why people rebel against this whole hero system. Aizawa how hard did you have to work to be seen a a hero? What did they say about your quirk? That you were weak, you weren't good enough or strong enough to be a hero. You didn't have a 'hero' quirk. Both Shigarki and Dabi's quirks are seen as destructive. Toga's as deception. Mine as a weapon. Remember no ones born evil, you're either taught hate or never taught love." Neku was blown away by the argument. Ryu wasn't wrong. "You four will be on house arrest for two days. After that you eat with other students, lunch detentions will be punishments only."

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