I dont bite pt.2

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"Oh hey...Iida! What are you doing out here so late?" Ryu smiled as she leaned against the side of the pool. "Your door was opened so I came looking for you. It's much too cold and late for you to be in the pool. Also you don't have keys to the pool meaning you climbed the fence. And do you even have on the proper attire for water activities?" He lectured the girl. "Aww little Iida, don't be such a buzzkill. How about you take a dip in the pool with me? I promise I don't bite." Ryu laughed seeing his face twist up. "This is absurd. You aren't allowed out and yet you are in a pool. One that you don't have permission or the keys to use and yet you are in it. What do you have to say for yourself villain?" The girl rolled her eyes at him. "You know, calling me a villain like that doesn't make me wanna keep you alive. I'd watch my tone if I were you." The boy rolled his eyes to annoy her. "Join me. It feels really relaxing, seems like a stickler like you needs it." He shook his head no and held his hand out to pull her up out of the water. "You aren't allowed in here and I will not break the rules with you." Ryu playfully pouted and gave him her hand. Before she was completely from the water she planted her feet on the wall of the pool and pulled Iida into the water. Ryu quickly snatched his glasses off and slide the away from the pool side. "Damn you're already wet, might as well stay in here with me." She said. Iida huffed on defeat. "Why did you pull me while I am still in my clothes?" The boy climbed out of the pool and sat on the edge. "Don't be such a party pooper. Live a little for once." She laid her head on her folded arms that rested on the edge of the pool. She rolled his eyes still not moving from his spot. "What are you even doing here anyways?" He asked. "I couldn't sleep and usually I'd go on snack run but I'm not allowed to leave here. The cold water of the pool is the only thing that will relax me." She sighed as she was reminded this is only an luxurious prison for them. "You seemed to be upset. Why is that?" "Well I keep having nightmares and I don't wanna keep breaking into my friends rooms and ruining their sleep too." She smiled thinking of how they react in the morning when thy realize she snuck in. Toga was always excited to see Ryu in the morning so she usually is bouncing off the walls waiting for her to wake up. Shigaraki groaned loudly knowing he had at least 6 rubber finger puppets on his fingers. Exactly where did she get them? Who knows.
"What do you think makes people villains and heroes?" She asked in a safe voice. "Their morals of course. If you are willing to help someone in need, you're a hero. If you put that person in danger, you're a villain." Iida stated as he squeezed some of the water from his shirt. "What if you don't mean to put anyone in danger? What if I'm doing good for someone else by hurting another? Does that still make me a villain?" The first year had no answer for it, maybe not all bad is actually all the bad. "If you purposefully hurt people you're a villain." "I kill people for a living, I think I'm doing good work. Most of the people I have to unalive are pieces of shit nobody is gonna miss anyways. Someone called a hit in them for a reason and I take the order to kill. I don't think I'm a villain, more of a vigilante on the harsher side."
The two talked and laughed for a few hours. It felt like they had become best friends over night. Iida started to like her a lot. Maybe not all villains were as bad as he thought. It soon the sky began to lighten signaling the day was starting. The two parted ways once they got back to the dorms. First hero friend? Not something Ryu expected while in this hell hole.

I'm not proud of this chapter but next chapter will for sure be way better 😘

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