So close

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With the bloody wound from earlier, Ryu made a huge parachute so that both Momo and her could made it to the ground with minimal damage. "You know we should definitely visit you parents, don't you think?" The escapee asked. Yaoyorozu jerk her body trying to get loose of Ryuketsu's hold. "You know if I let you go right now you'll die? We're not that close to the ground that you could drop and not break all of your bones. Calm down, you'll be properly taken care of until I get the others out then I'll let you go. Right now we need each other, you're my leverage. I need you to help me get my friends out and I'm keeping you alive and I'm not keeping you forever, it's a win-win at the end of the day." Soon their feet were nearly to the ground. "Ah here's out stop. Now Momo, I'm gonna need to to run with me okay. Any hesitation and I cut one of your arms off okay?" The hostaged girl nodded. "Okay I'm trusting you." She sang before releasing her quirk and making the parachute turn back into a big puddle of blood. Ryu yanked momo's arm as soon as she was out of the arm. "Let's go now." She demanded and the two began to run. "Hell yeah, home sweet hom-" she was cut off but a huge muscular arm grabbing the two. "Hey what the fuck!" She yelled as she turned to see All might. "FUUUCCK NO!" She punched him repeatedly trying to release them. "Fear not because IM HERE!" He said. "IM NOT FUCKING GOING BACK!" She yelled while she continued to thrash. All might then jumped while using his quirk. Ryu frantically tried to think of some way the get them free so she did the first thing she could think of. Slice his arm off, if he doesn't have it he can hold them. With All might unknowingly held them tight Ryu's wound gushed blood. She then made a sword and jammed it into his shoulder. "LET US GO DAMMIT!" She screamed as she repeated her action. "What kind of hero would if I just let you go after you commit a serious crime?" He asked. "I'm sorry Mr. Might. I'm promise I would do it again~" she tried to sweet talk the hero. "It's time you go back." All might said still in the air. "Please I can't go back! I don't want to. They'll do the handcuff shit to me again, maybe worst. " She thrashed her entire body and tried to wiggle her way free even more. "You'll be fine. It'll only be for a few days, maybe less." All might tried to assure her. The 7 foot pro hero them landed on the roof being greet by ten faces. "Look I'm sorry okay. please don't chain me up. Send me to prison, an insane asylum, anything." Momo was released from all mights hold but Ryu wasn't. "I thought she'd actually make it out." Dabi muttered. "I did get out. All shithead caught me before I could get far enough away from this hellhole." She explained. Ryu then stopped all movement before slamming the back of her head into All might's face. "Fuck off. I'm not being chained up like an animal." His grip on her loosened and she was able to get free herself. "Fuck that!" She attempted to run to the edge of the building again to escape by herself but was stopped but Aizawa's capture weapon. "Shit!" She screamed as it tightened around her body. "Okay I'll stop trying to leave." She whined. "Thank god." Aizawa sighed in relief and walked up to Momo, hugging her. "I thought I lost a student."

Sorry for it being so short. Next chapter will definitely be much longer than usual

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