Strike one

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"I wonder if Midoriya would let me have some his blood." Toga said through the silence. Suddenly her face brightened and she jumped up to her feet. "Wanna go scare those UA kids?!" She shouted. "Why do you wanna go bother them? Let's not forget why you're here. One little complaint could land us in jail dipshit." Shigaraki said trying to reason. "Come on it'll be fun. I'm kinda going crazy without blood." "Aren't you already insane?" "Well yeah a little bit but I'm bored. Ryu, you with me? We can go see Iida." The blonde said trying to convince the other girl. "Mmm~ Tenya and HELL YEAH IM GOING! After all making a mess is my specialty." The two girls jumped up and began leaving before Dabi decided he'd join as well. "Might as well come Shiggy. If we get in trouble for it, you'll be lumped in. Come on, a little chaos ain't never hurt anybody... too bad. " Ryu to reason with the man. "You know what, fuck it." The four 'ex-villains' made their way to the common room. "Heya guys!" Toga shouted, startling the girls that were sitting in the couch. "Oh my gosh. It's the villains ribbit." Asui whispered. "Righty it is. What are we doing over here?" All five of the girls struggled to find a correct answer. "Were you guys gossiping? I wanna know too!" The blonde girl jumped up and down. "Maybe it was about us." Ryuketsu cut in. The U.A girls stiffen at her guess. "Ooooooh it was about us. Were you guys asking why Nezu was so reckless to put four villains in a class and living space with future heroes? The sons of bitches they hate the most? Or did you guys talk about all the crazy shit the league has done?" All the girls' faces flushed in embarrassment. "Awww which one is it?" The Black haired poliosis teased. None of the girls spoke. "How about we cut out the vocal cords since they seemed to have forgotten how to talk?" Toga playfully suggested. Again no response. "No objections? I'll take that as a 'we love that idea'" Ryuketsu bit her thumb like earlier and the blood morphed into a sword. "Remember when we killed that guy that day we were caught? I got to hold his decapitated head!" Ryu picked her sword at Uraraka neck. "You have a pretty neck." Tears swelled in the girls eyes. "No tears now. You decided not to speak. Would you rather the invisible girl go first?" The small squeak was let out by Hagekure. "Stop this now. You're nothing by a nasty villain." Momo stood up proud and tall. "Do you think you're intimidating in anyway, shape or form? Honey I can cut you down and drain you of every single drop of blood you have in your body." Toga narrowed her eyes as she flashed a incredibly fake smile. "Leave me and my friends alone now." The 5'8 foot girl demanded. "Yaoyorozu, stop they're dangerous." Jirou said to the taller girl. "I won't tolerate this type of behav-" the creation quirk user was cut off by Ryuketsu. "THAT'S WHERE I RECOGNIZE YOU FROM!" She pointed to Momo. "What are you talking about?" Dabi asked. "I got a request a couple of days ago to kill some guy. Tadashi Yaoyorozu was his name. You're his kid, I did some research and saw a picture of you." Momo's eyes widened. "You're kidding r-right?" She asked almost breathless. "If pros didn't catch us that day, your father would've been dead. Better thank that speed quirk hero, oh wait he might be dead already." Ryuketsu began laughing like there was no tomorrow. "You're right. We were talking about you filthy villains. You are sick people who need to be in jail. You don't deserve a second chance." Yaoyorozu said fighting tears. "Awwwww she's teary eyed. Frankly I don't care about what the fuck you're talking about what your spatting on about. 'Ah villains are bad and all heroes are the best'." "It's you shit head broken condom kids who doesn't deserve a second chance. Now you pissed us off so you might actually fucking die." Toga said as she clinched her teeth. "Just like you have reason to want to be a 'hero', we have reasons to want to rebel against that. You're just an asshole." Ryuketsu finished. "I fucking hate it here with these little fuckers. Swearing they know everything and that's fake fucking heroes save everyone." Shigaraki muttered. "Not everyone can be saved. There's no heroes around to save you if I were to stab you in the throat. There's was no heroes around to save the people we killed just yesterday. We live in the same building so I'd watch my tongue if I were you." Ryuketsu said with a sinister smile on her face.

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