Im what?

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An: Sorry if it's not very good. I've been struggling to write this for a while. I'll publish the next chapter later today though so look forward to that and Happy New Years everyone!!!

Ryuketsu accepted her fate before it had even come. She needed  escorting to principal Nezu's office where she expected police officers to be waiting to arrest her. She didn't hesitation to make her way to his office neither did she cry or become afraid of her consequences. This is the bed she made for herself so she must lay in it now. Ryu took a deep breath of air before bursting into the Principal's office. "I'm ready to be arrested. I won't resist or fight or beg, just make this shit fast before I change my mind." The teenage girl held her hands in as if she were surrendering herself. "You aren't getting arrested Miss Ryuketsu." He said as he motioned for her to take a seat. "I'm being serious. Just throw me in jail like I deserve. I'll cooperate peacefully I swear-what I'm WHAT?!" She screamed in disbelief. What was going on here? "You aren't under arrest. What happened wasn't your fault. You have been pardoned Miss Ryuketsu." He explained. This has to be some sick ass dream. She has to be asleep right now because this was unbelievable. After all the shit she has been up until now, she was being given a pass. "You aren't joking right? You being serious?" The girl asked just to make sure Principal Nezu wasn't tricking her. "I am indeed very serious. We do in fact have to relieve you of the use of your quirk though. It won't be for long but we have to give a consequence."
Ryuketsu felt like she had been given a second chance at life. If she would've been sent to jail, there was no way she'd get out without breaking out. The charges were stacked up high and the judge would most likely give her the long possible sentence they could. A lot of murder charges, assault, kidnapping, attempted murder, destruction of property were just the few things she knew she'd be charged with. Maybe this was a wake up call to get her shit together and actually work the program? She agreed in her head that she'd give it a try to be a good guy.
Nezu placed a ankle monitor on her ti make sure her quirk had been temporarily deactivated or at least dulled to the point of uselessness. "Hey look at me, I'm on probation as a quirkless folk." Ryu laughed to the idea of just being normal. "You may leave now Miss Ryuketsu but I am setting up therapy session for you with a psychologist. They're mandatory if you want to stay in the Recovery program." Nezu hopped down off his chair and walked over to a drawer nearby and pulled out a pamphlet with information of a well known psychologist. "What? You said I was good and that only punishment is no quirk." Ryu began sulking in her chair. "I'm not crazy." She huffed out before rolling her eyes at the principal. "I know very well you aren't crazy. But I need a compelling argument as for why my rehabilitation program for villains will work. You want to stay out of prison right?" He asked. Ryu nodded her head like a little kid with her arms crossed. "Then you must see the psychologist. I'll set up your first session for tomorrow and we'll go from there." The tiny mouse man opened the door for Ryuketsu and let her out. "Bye bye now Miss Ryuketsu. Be on your best behavior for tomorrow." He waved goodbye and she just have him a nod and walked back to her dorm room. "It's like Shiggy said, the better we act the faster we get out of here. I'll be out of here soon." She whispered to herself

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