Iida x Ryuketsu fluff

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This isn't apart of the plot. Just something for me to post😁

Today was different for Iida. He has this terrible knot in his stomach that won't go away. It kept getting tighter the closer Ryuketsu had gotten to him. Anytime she walked back his desk or looked in his direction or even just asking him to look over her work and give her feedback. To him, she was the most gorgeous girl he'd ever seen. Everything about her seemed to be absolutely perfect, except the whole killing people thing but that was in her past now and he could just forget about that. She is better now. She's a hero, not a villain.
Each time Iida had worked up enough courage to try to tell Ryu how he felt something always stopped him from doing so. Whether it be the other ex-villains dragging her away or one of his friends needing his attention, something always interrupting his attempts. The feelings that he was having become unbearable. Focusing in school was hard because she sat so close to him and just her beauty was enough to steal his concentration every time.
Today Iida had made up his mind that he wasn't gonna let anything get in his way of asking out Ryuketsu or at least telling her how he felt about her. Today was either gonna be super great or absolutely terrible. May the odds be in his favor.
Iida didn't want to just spring the news onto her at a bad time so he looked for a chance but every time seemed to be not a good enough time. Ryu would be super devoted to her studies and he didn't wanna distracted her. Or She'd be having a great time with her friends and he didn't wanna possibly dampen the mood. Or he simply just didn't have the time to catch her.
The end of the school hours were arriving shortly so he'd have to make this fast. He'd overheard that she and a few other people in their class were hanging out after school so she probably wouldn't be in her room later. The bell rang signaling that all students could leave their classes. Iida hurried to pack up his things while keeping an eye on Ryu. He couldn't hold off much longer with his feelings swallowing him up inside. His bag wasn't zipped up properly but it don't matter much to him in that moment. Ryuketsu was getting up from her desk and heading for the door. The anxiety he was experiencing accidentally made his quirk activate briefly, giving him an extra boost which turned out to be a big so good idea. He had bumped into her hard, causing her a fall forwards. Luckily Iida's fast reflexes made sure she didn't fall on her oh-so beautiful face. He grabbed her hand, twisting her around in the process. "Ryuketsu I may have a crush on you and I completely understand if you don't reciprocate those feelings. I just wanted to let you know that I think you're really cool and very attractive and are a great person. You are an angel to me, sent from the heavens to bless this world with your grace." He quickly shut his eyes to avoid her gaze. It was expected that she'd be utterly disgusted by his statements and verbalize that loudly. Iida was surprised that she hadn't snatched her hand away or screamed at him. Instead she pulled his other hand into hers. "Hey, I like you too." She said with a small smile on her face. His eyes show open to be met with the girl still leading back, only being held up by his grip on her hands. He pulled her up so she'd be standing straight. Ryu gave him a mischievous smirk before pulling his hand down to her waist and moving closely to him. "You should take me out sometime? Give me a taste of what it'll be like when I'm your girlfriend." His cheeks burned a brilliant red. It was a shock to him that she wanted to be his girlfriend. "O-okay. I will." He stuttered out. The former villain stood on her tippy toes and gave his a quick kiss on the cheek. "Later man. Or should I say future boyfriend?" She giggles as she ran off.

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