Tell me more

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"It hasn't been too long. Let's continue. Tell me a bit more about that. What do you mean by training like a hero at 6 years old?" Yamamoto asked. "My da-father trained me hard. He wanted me to live up to my name. Excellence."

Beads of sweat rolled down from her forehead. The girl huffed and puffed as she was out of breath. "You're going to have to be faster and more precise if you wanna win. Try actually trying to beat me next time." The older man, Ryuketsu, said before kicking his own daughter in the stomach. She doubled over and groaned in pain before falling onto the ground. "Father I am trying. I can't do it." She said and instantly regretted. If there was one thing that could piss off her father, it was her saying she can't do something she very capable of. The word "can't" grinds his gears worst than anything you could imagine. He stomped up to her, bending down and gripping her face to make her look at him. "Don't say you can't when you obviously can. Don't fall flat by being lazy. Now get your ass up and do it right." He harshly lets go of her face and stepped back.

It had been hours and still Yōshō hadn't got one win against her father. Again and again he had managed to make her tap out for a break or knocked her to the floor. "Please father. Have mercy on me and stop. I can- I don't think I can continue and preform well tomorrow." The 12 year old girl begged her father to put a pause on the training and resume the following day. For a minute he just stood there, staring at her and thinking. His daughter on the floor, beaten and battered. Should he give her a break? Was she deserving of it?

"Get the fuck up and fight. I won't except anything less than excellence from you. It's your name so act like it's who you are." He grabbed her shoulder and pulled her to her feet. "Use your quirk if you have to. Anything to beat me." He told her before throwing a punch at her. She just barely dodged his attack. It was clear to her that he wasn't going to let up anytime soon. Anything to beat him? Was not giving it her all an option? No so she did what she thought would work. She let him get a hit in her to make herself bleed. "Got you father." She almost whispered to herself. The girl created a small but sharp dagger with the blood from her mouth. Yōsho swung the dragger at her father's face, getting a few cuts in but while he thought she was just aiming for his face she actually used that as a tactic to make him overly vigilant to attacks aimed for there. When she pulled back her arm to swing at him again he immediately blocked his face. This was her chance to overwhelm him and win. She redirected her attack to his arm and stabbed him, sending blood gushing from the wound. "Shit!" He hissed. The blood flowed down to the floor where Yōshō used it to create a staff. Her father was much too focused on his bleeding injury to realize what she was doing. She swing her staff to hit the back of his knees hard, forcing them to bend. Next she kicked his chest with enough force to send him falling back. To end it all, she pulled his feet from underneath him to secure the win. That man could not maneuver his way into another win. His eyes showed a surprised look as he stared up at his daughter standing over him. "I win father." She said confidently. Unexpectedly her father bursted into a fit of laughter. What could be possible be laughing about? That was a great take down and he knows it. She certainly knew it. With a smug look on her face, she stared down at her father in cockiness. "My win was flawless. I handled myself well even with having trained so hard just before. How dare you laugh at my excellent and brilliant tactic?" He stopped laughing and looked at her with a gleam in his eyes. Pride swelled in his chest hearing his daughter being so confident on her skill. "It was flawless and brilliant and most importantly excellent. So congratulations to you Yōshō. You wear your name well." Hw stood up on his feet and patted her on the back. "Get to bed, we have a busy morning tomorrow."

"I mean I had to face an opponent with years of experience on me and who was physically much stronger than myself. It was pretty much an unfair fight that I had to repeatedly fight in." Ryuketsu responded. Yamamoto wrote something down on her clipboard and looked up at Ryuketsu. "And may I ask who this opponent was?" She asked the teenager. Ryu almost had a smirk on her face to the thought of it. "My father."

Just then Nezu had entered the room. "Exactly 1 hours, not a second late." He said as he examined the situation. "Presumably a good first session? You're allowed to leave now Miss Ryuketsu." The teenage girl got up off the couch and walked out the door. "Later Doc. Until next time, yeah?" She yelled as she got farther from the room.

A/n : Hey y'all!! I updated!!! I got some comments and got super inspired to write. I will try to update again soon. Love y'all😘

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 11, 2022 ⏰

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