Lock down

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A/n: This is a disclaimer for people who are triggered or just don't want to read about sexual assault. This chapter depicts scenes of sexual assault so please skip if you feel you cannot handle it. I will post the next chapter soon after this one is posted so those who skipped this chapter can be caught up on the small part of Ryuketsu's past that was revealed.
-Italic is the part where the memory starts. Skip or don't, it's fine with me😁

After all the students were escorted by to their classes, Ryuketsu was to enter to building and be walked to Nezu's office where she'd be issued a consequence. She of course knew her punishment wouldn't be given lightly. She did assaulted four students, destroy school property, kidnap a student, attempted to escape from the program twice and stabbed a pro hero. They could very well just throw her in jail and she wouldn't even be mad about it. "It was fun while it lasted." She chuckled to herself. Ryu became conscious to her surroundings as she heard the click of a door. "Now Miss Ryuketsu, you posed quite a scare today didn't you? You kidnapped a student, held her hostage then ran off with her after jumping off the roof of my school. This is serious and you stabbed All Might in the shoulder. That very well may have gotten you throw straight into jail." He took a sip on his tea before continuing. "I will give you a second chance to redeem yourself. This incident will not be publicized as the police force may have to take you away due to panic within the parents of my students. Tomorrow you go straight to class 1-A and receive you punishment. As for right now you go to your room and stay there. I'll have someone check on you."

The next morning Ryuketsu went to class. There she saw Midnight, Aizawa and Nezu standing together. The students sat in horror that she was allowed back into the classroom after yesterday. She was ready to face her fate until she heard the sound of chains being rattled. Her eye widen and she held her hands up in motioning stop. "Wait you're not putting that on me, right?" She asked. "We have to, for the safety on the student. You'll be out of it before you know it." Nezu tried to assure the girl. She just shook her head and gripped her hair in frustration. "You don't understand you can't do this to me. I can't." Her breathing was ragged. Ryu's mind was all over the place and she couldn't focus on what's around her. As she stood looking scared and absent minded, the staff of U.A proceeded to cuff her hands, ankles and putting a muzzle on her face. Before she could even protest, it was already on her. She was then sat down in her seat for more comfortably. The feeling of restriction made her vision go in and out, tears flooded her eyes as she began to remember her past.

Her vision was foggy but she could make out his face. He had carried her up to the room laying her down on the bed. She mumbled incoherent words to him. He just hushed her saying "it's okay baby. I got you." and she believed she was safe. He started removing her clothes, taking off her shirt first then pulling down her pants and underwear but not fully, just down to her ankles. "W-what are you d-doing!" She mumbled out. "No it's okay baby. It's just me." He smiled. "No I'm too tired." She mumbled as she pushed her his hand away weakly. "Oh no baby don't push me away. I love you." He kissed her jaw, moving to her lips. He pushed her legs to the side and sliding himself in her. She whimpered in pain feeling him invade her lower region. He started with slow and shallow thrusts and had increased his speed and how much force he used behind his thrusts. As he continued violating her body he whispered the same things over and over in her eyes. "I love you so much. You're so amazing. We're meant to be together, only married couples do stuff like this." Tears escapes her eyes and down her face as she just laid there taking his abused. Completely vulnerable, weakened by what ever was making her this way, he had his way with her and there was nothing she could do in that moment. She wasn't strong even to stop him and she could barely talk much less scream for help. All she could do was witness herself being violated by the boy she trusted. The guy who told her parents he'd protect her was the same guy that was hurting her. Hopelessness flooded ever part of her. A feeling she swore to never willingly let in her heart.

She shook even more tears and cries rang from the depths of her throat. "Please stop. PLEASE HELP ME!" She screamed as loud as she could with the limited jaw movements. "Help me please stop." She repeated. Toga couldn't stand seeing her friend in pain so she got up and ran over to her. "Ryu look at me." Toga said sounding serious. "Yūshū look at me." She would've cupped her face to make them face each other. Sobs released themselves from Ryuketsu as she vigorously shook her head. "GET HER OUTTA THIS SHIT NOW!" You couldn't hear a single drop of deceitfulness in her words. "What the fuck is happening to her? Toga WHAT IS GOING ON?!" Dabi said in concerned. "I don't know Dabi. She not responding to me." Toga lightly tapped Ryu's lap with her cuffs. "GET HER OUT OF THOSE NOW! OR AT LEAST UNCUFF US!" Dabi yelled. The students of class 1-A seemed shock that a villain was reacting like this or the other villains had bones in their body that could show sympathy. "What the hell are you doing to her?" Shigaraki question sounding disgusted. "Hey Ryu look at me. TALK TO ME DAMMIT!"  Dabi said to Ryuketsu getting no response back. "Take her out of those fucking chains." Shigaraki demanded. The three stood next to Ryu, looking as if they would attack anyone who dares come any closer. "She a danger to the students. She had her little joyride yesterday, I'm not risking anything from her." Aizawa firmly said. "She needs help. SHE NOT FUCKING ACTING! I've seen her do a hell of a lot of shit but never cry. At least not in front of anyone. For fuck sake she's shaking. Unlock my cuffs, she needs help." Toga argued. "Don't be an asshole Eraserhead. We got her under control just unchain her." Toga crouched down and started whispering things in Ryu's ear trying to get something out of her. The staff stood there watching the three attempted to snap Ryuketsu out of what ever was happening to her. "I need you to talk to me. Babe it's me toga I won't let them hurt you. The guys won't either. We're fighting for you so I need to to tell me what's going on so I can help you." Ryu tried to free her hand s a feet for their prison by pulling them apart as hard as she could. "Please stop. I don't want to, please stop." She said. "What do you want to stop? Tell me what you don't want to do." All Toga wanted the fo was hold her best friend. To touch her, let her know that she was there to help. The blonde villain marched up to Aizawa, only centimeters away from each other. "If you don't unlock our cuffs right now, so fucking help me god, I will murder ever one of your student as you watch. I'll drain them of every last ounce of blood in their bodies and torture you making you watch me impersonate all of them." Aizawa just glanced at Midnight then Ryuketsu. The rated-R pro hero then walked up to the chained down girl. Leading in close and using her quirk to put her to sleep. When Ryuketsu felt herself getting tired she panicked. "NO STOP PLEASE! I'm sorry. Don't do this."
A/n: please tell me I wasn't the only one creeped out by the memory scene. I wrote it and was still freaked out about it. Are we okay with this or don't want anymore of this? Was it a bit too vivid or did I do a good job? Comment and let me know how you felt about it.

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