Meet the Villains

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For the next two days, it was exactly like the days before. They weren't allowed the leave campus grounds anyways so it made no difference. The girls were super excited to see other people their age. They were a bit older than everyone else but they were still close enough in age. People would say the two were extremely childish, maybe because their childhoods were kinda fucked up and their teenage years were nonexistent.
Being a kid was never a thing for them. The nights after her panic attack, Ryu refused to sleep alone. She'd usual bunk with Toga but when Toga looked exhausted from waking up all night to Ryu's cries, she'd sleep with the guys. Shigarki didn't seem to mind at all that she often broke into his room and slithered into his bed. Dabi's body was way too hot (in temperature) for Ryuketsu to comfortably snuggle into. Shigarki didn't wake up when she jolted up out of her sleep. The thing that annoyed him a bit was waking up to something on his fingers. Finger puppets, socks, the finger tips of gloves, you name it. Being chained up like that fucked with her mental state. They didn't ask her about what happened to her when she freaked out.

Finally their house arrest was over and it'll be the first day they got to eat with the students of U.A. The villains made sure to be on their best behavior. The on break staff took turns watching the V.R.P. participants while the student did physical hero training. Their quirks could and have kill so they weren't allowed to partake in those activities. Was it fair? Kinda but the point of being the program was to reform them. If there was still restrictions being placed, how could they ever change? It was really just for the student's safety though.

"OMG I CAN'T BELIEVE WE GET TO BE LIKE EVERYONE ELSE!" Toga squealed. "I know." Ryu said back. "Will you two cut it out? You eat like every single human being." Shigarki hissed. "No like we're getting treat like UA students." Toga said with so much pent up energy in her voice. "Technically speaking we are UA students. We wear the uniform, go to all the classes, live in the dorms just like any UA student." Dabi said.

Soon it was lunch time and the four ex-villains just followed the heroes in training to the cafeteria. Dabi's scars, Shigarki face, the psychotic look in Toga's eyes and Ryu just looking like a bad bitch alarmed the other students. They didn't at all look like first year high schoolers. "Is this some more 1-A trash?" Monoma yelled running up to the four. The four laughed at him and his boldness. "What's so funny weak 1-A kids?" He asked with an annoyed tone in his voice. "Look kid, we really aren't the one's you should be talking to like that. How about you go ask one of them?" Dabi said for the group. "I'm not asking any 1-A garbage for information! They're already dumb enough." He rolled his eyes. "Can I do it please? PRETTY PRETTY PLEASE?" Toga begged. "Yeah give him a show." Ryu said smirking. "Just try not to kill him." Shigaraki added. The blonde girl squealed before pulling out a knife and twirling around with her fingers. "It's a shame you don't already know." She swiftly swept the boy's feet making him fall on his back. The VRP members stood over him as Toga pointing the weapon at his face. "League of villains." Was all she said and his eyes widened. It was clear they weren't normal high school students. The blonde boy scurried away from the four. "Where's those big balls you had a second ago?!" Ryu yelled out. She should be on her best behavior considering Nezu gave her another chance but she wasn't. It was in her blood to be mischievous. The four snickered at the once cocky boy. All the first years started at them. "Hi!" Toga yelled as she waved her arm vigorously. The VRP walked over to an empty table and sat down. "So this is fun. Soon enough we'll get to train with mini heroes." Ryu said. "Like hell that'll happen." Shigaraki said. "We are literally eating in the same room with people who are supposed to be future heroes. IT'S TIME TO LET GO OF ALL THAT DOUBT AND ARISE TO THE OCCASION!" Ryu cackled after saying her little speech. "And what might that be?" Dabi asked smirking. "A generation of villains are in the mist of plenty mini heroes. And none of them know how to combat our quirks. I don't really call myself a villain but FUCK IT'S FUN TO BE THIS DAMN BAD!" Toga let out her psychotic giggled and Ryu laughed with her. "When we get outta here, let's stir up some trouble. Put this city in ruins. We gonna give them hell for not locking our asses up when they had the chance." The two girl smiled at each other. "We do have an agenda as villains. Of course we gonna be on our old shit when we leave here." Shigaraki said.

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