I dont bite

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A/n: I know I haven't updated this story in a hot minute. My bad guys, I kinda lost interest in this and forgot about it. I've noticed that more ppl are starting to read this so I'll try to update whenever I can. I'm breaking this up into two parts just so I can post something for you

Ryuketsu laid in her bed, eyes fixated on the ceiling. Just barely seeing it at all due to the darkness but still stared up at it. More and more nightmares occurred during the night, restricting her from the sweet place of slumber. She was beyond pissed that not only could she not sleep but she couldn't take a fucking walk to make herself tired. No midnight snack runs, not dicing people down, not even a lighthearted prank. She was reluctant to leave her room because technically she wasn't supposed to bother anyone, which was kinda unfair from the beginning. Villainy was programmed in her, how was she supposed to suddenly change to make some scared ass little kids feel better? But then again that's how the system was set up to do, make it impossible for people to redeem themselves. She knew she did something bad but Momo was deserving of it, she was being a huge bitch. If All Might house built ass didn't step on to be a HeRo, she could've been on her merry fucking way but noooooooo shit just can't go good for her. Finally after getting tired of looking at the dark obis of her room, she said fuck it and left her room. The seventeen year old slowly crept down the stairs, trying her hardest not to make any noise. She tip-toed to the kitchen to look for something to snack on while she maybe watched tv or walked around the building. Ryu entered the kitchen to find there were snacks, not her favorite but nevertheless something to eat. She climbed on the counter to get to the cabinets, grabbing the best looking snack bag she could reach.

Still in her pajamas, she ventured the campus. The doors weren't locked so it would be easy for her to just leave but it probably didn't work like that. There were probably sensors on the gate leading off school grounds. Probably cameras too but she wouldn't be doing anything too wrong by just walking around for a bit. What's the harm in a little bit of exploring? Ryu walked around the dorms, looking for something new then left the building. The teenage girl flinched at the temperature change. It wasn't super cold out but it was definitely not as warm as the dorms were.

It was silent besides the soft patter of her feet hitting the ground. Soon enough she found something worth doing as her night was pretty much ruined by her horrible sleep schedule. The pool was clear and looked relaxing. "Hell yeah." She whispered to herself before hopping the small gate. Ryu took off her shoes and just sat at the edge with her feet in the water. She smiled feeling the cool water kiss her skin. Getting the idea to fulling submerge her body in the water, she hopped up to take her pjs off leaving her bra and underwear on. The girl slowly crept her way into the cool water. "This is amazing." She whispered, swimming farther from the edge.
When she finally got used to the water, she dipped her head under. After a few minutes of having absolute fun in the pool, Ryu thought of her friends. Toga would love this although she can't swim but it could be a learning experience. Dabi's body temperature would probably start to boil the water around him and Shiggy was a hater. He's probably would only sit at the end with his legs and feet in. While in the thought she hear someone at the gate to the pool. Not thinking, she puts he head under the water to hide herself. Ryu couldn't hear very good in the position she was in but she could make out her name. The villain teen stood up as she wiped her eyes and pulled her hair back to see the person who had found her. She relaxed knowing it wasn't Aizawa. "Oh hey..."

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