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This is the same chapter, I just tweaked a couple things

The next day, everyone arrived as Aizawa and Nezu stood at the door. All the students were attentive and on time but the V.R.P ones. "Mr. Aizawa why is Principle Nezu here so early?" Midoriya asked. "You'll see soon." He tiredly answered. Just as he finished that sentence the four ex-villians walked in. "What did we miss?" Dabi said as he smirked. "Put your arms out straight please." The four thought nothing of it so they just did as they were told. Clank. They all looked down at their hands to see quirk canceling hand cuffs. "WHAT THE FUCK?!" Shigaraki yelled as he violently swung around the cuffs. "I received several harassment claims earlier this morning. Care to explain that one?" Nezu said. "IT WAS A JOKE AND THEN THEY STARTED BEING ASSHOLES! WE WERE ONLY PLAYING AROUND!" Ryuketsu yelled trying to explain. "Death threats are no laughing matter." "I LAUGHED THOUGH SO IT WAS FUNNY! It's not our faults they can't handle a little joke. If we wanted them dead they would've been but they're not. That's the joke, they're just crybabies." Toga argued back. "They didn't think it was very funny and Yūshū Ryuketsu I want to speak with you after class." She sighed loudly before saying "if it's about my employer I'm not allowed to say. If I were to even utter his name, anyone that heard or were close enough to hear will die. Either by my hand as well as a punishment for me or he kills them and I'd rather not be the one to do it. IM NOT ALLOWED TO TALK ABOUT IT AT ALL, I can't get into specifics." After saying that her attention immediately turns to the girls, starting at Yaoyorozu long and hard. "You fucking bitches. You couldn't handle a simple joke because YOU'RE A COUPLE OF PUSSIES!" She locked eye with Momo and smiled. " I should've fucking killed your father when I had the chance. You know, cut him up and scatter his body parts around the mansion. I should just stabbed you and made you watch as I slit your friends throats. FUCK YOU!" She quickly ran to Momo and repeatedly slammed the cuff on her desk, making sure it wouldn't hit her but was close to it. "LITTLE SPOILED BITCH, I HOPE
I GET THE PLEASURE OF MURDERING YOU AND BATHING IN YOUR BLOOD. MAKING SURE TO SEND YOUR FINGERS AND TOES TO YOUR PARENTS IF I DIDN'T ALREADY KILL THEM TOO!" Her psycho laugh rang through the room. Aizawa grabbed the girl by her arm and pulled her bank to the doorway. "Ryuketsu you must calm down, if not I'll have not choice than to sedate you." Nezu tried to reason with the girl but rage washed over her again and again. Ryu's breathes became
unsteady, she tried to fight it but it wasn't enough. Ryu slowly backed away from Momo so she could refrain from hurt her. "Fuck." She whispered to herself. Toga stood there both worried and excited. When Ryuketsu was angry, she did a much better job of killing people. Slicing them down until there was no way in hell their bodies would identifiable. Even without her quirk, she could easily kill about half the class on her own. Ryuketsu had a hard time trying to control herself, something inside began to engulf her. No matter how hard she tried to fight it, it always came out on top and it did.
Blood lust quickly spread all over her body, it felt almost like fire kissing her skin. Ryu smirked before charging straight for Ojirou. She jumped onto his desk, flipping over to Ashido's desk and swinging the cuffs at her head as hard as she possibly could. As expected she was immediately knocked out upon contact. With Asui right behind her, she was next to be attacked. Instead of being hit in the head, Asui was pushed out of her seat and had both her knees jumped on. Uraraka obviously knew she was next to go. She accepted her fate and just hoped too much damage wasn't inflicted on her. Iida stood up to protect his classmate by was quickly dealt with by having the cuff slam against his knee. Seeing her friends hurt, Uraraka jumped into action. She waited for Ryuketsu to get close enough to touch. Uraraka reached out to make the rampaging teen float. She only managed to get her finger tips on her shirt as Ryuketsu realized she was trying to do something to her. Barely making it, she had gotten Ryu to float. "FUCK!" The 17 year old yelled. Ryu pushed herself off the wall to get Uraraka. Having her hands stuck together came in handy, choking Uraraka while still floating. "PUT ME DOWN BITCH!" The first year student struggled to breathe more as her feet left the floor. "YOU WANNA DIE?!" Reluctantly she released her quirk from Ryu. BAM! Uraraka is now down too. The whole thing happened so fast, no one could stop her from attacking the first four but now they were alert. Now still in the back of the class with an injured Uraraka. Satou tried grabbing her but missed as she dodged his grasp. Kirishima tried to block Ryuketsu from further assault but only got to knock her back and she continued on her way to the other. Aizawa instinctively activated his quirk then realized she was fighting with her own strength. He raced to protect his students. His scarf gripped her arm, holding her in place briefly. She couldn't be strong enough to drag Aizawa. She thrashed her body, yanking the teacher forwards each time. "WE GOT THIS!" Kaminari charged up his quirk to zap her while his classmates all had their quirks ready to fire. Todoroki shot ice at her in an attempt to trap her long enough to stop her completely, it only managed to get the cuffs. Sero too tried to stop her, shooting his tape down at her ankles. Laying on the floor with her ankles trapped together and no free hands. Doing what she thought to be the last resort Ryu swiftly slammed the ice covered cuffs against the wall, releasing her hands. "Boo bitch!" Terror showed in everyone last person's eyes that was in the room. "AH WHAT A SHOW? Time for the real fun to begin." Toga said as she grinned in the corner.

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