Chapter 15

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After Brian and Rachel showered and got dressed for the day they sat around watching tv, waiting for Sal to arrive with Kassi. Rachel was tucked under Brian's arm while he ran his fingertips up and down her forearm, giving her involuntary goosebumps.

"I fucking love these." He whispered, tracing his fingers over the multiple tattoos that littered her arms.

His favorite was the one on her right forearm that had Kassi's birthday written in Roman numerals. She also had an airplane on her wrist, roses on her biceps, and a small anchor on her thumb.

She had plenty more around her body and once told Brian that she'd get a tattoo for him but they never decided on one. Then he got in the accident and they never really spoke of it again.

But Brian's all time favorite was the dandelion tattoo she had right behind her ear. It was beyond sexy. He would always make sure to kiss it whenever they were doing the dirty, when they were cuddling, or just whenever she had her hair in a bun and he had easy access to it.

He also loved that whenever he'd gently place his soft lips against the inked skin she'd shudder and cower away from the ticklish touch of his beard and lips.

They remained snuggled up for a few more minutes when they heard the front door open. Quickly Brian retracted his arm and stood up to round the corner where his best friend and daughter were walking in.

"Hi daddy." Kassi said giving his legs a quick hug.

"Hey babygirl." Brian smiled and ruffled her light brown hair.

Kassi skipped over to Rachel to hug her then ran upstairs to go change while the three adults remained downstairs.

"So..." Sal started taking a seat across the counter. "Have some nice makeup sex?" He teased with a smirk making Rachel blush.

Q laughed at her embarrassment and decided to make it worse.

"Hell yeah we did." Q exclaimed reaching over the counter to high five Sal.

"You two are idiots." Rachel joked before getting up to go check on Kassi.

"Seriously guys good?" Sal asked Q.

"Yeah man, we're good." Q assured him. "Still trying to get used to the fact that I have a wife and daughter, so sometimes the stupid asshole in me acts up."

"Sometimes?" Sal asked sarcastically earning the middle finger form his best friend. "So, are you guys doing anything today?"

"I don't know." Q shrugged. "I wanna spend as much time with them as I can before we leave for tour on Monday."

Sal smiled at his best friend who had become so close to these two girls in only a matter of weeks. Q noticed his smile at looked at Sal questioningly.

"What?" He asked tentatively.

"Nothing." Sal brushed him off.


"It's just nice to see you like this." Sal said confusing Q. "I mean the you that you were five years ago wasn't this happy. That was guy was confused and lost. And I know it really fucking sucks that you lost your memory, but at least your not confused and lost like you were before." Sal spoke truthfully.

Then the two heard laughter come from upstairs and Q smiled hearing those two beautiful giggles. He turned back to look at Sal and knew his best friend was right.

"It's them, isn't it?" Q questioned referring to Kassi and Rachel.

"No doubt about it, bud." Sal answered and looked over when Rachel and Kassi made their appearance downstairs. "Alright, I'm gonna head out. I gotta get ready for my show tonight."

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