Chapter 6

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Christmas had come and gone and now it's time for Rachel and Brian to head back to work. Rachel was hesitant letting Brian go back, afraid it would overwhelm him but the other guys assured her they'd take his memory loss into consideration. Which she didn't doubt, they were his best friends and she trusted them, but she was still unsure.

"Are you sure you can handle going back to work? I don't want you to get too overwhelmed and I'm sure the guys would understand..." Rachel rambled on as she watched Brian gather his work things.

"Rach." Brian interrupted, stopping her rant and placing his hands on her upper arms. "I'll be fine. The guys know not to put too much pressure on me. And I can't keep putting off work, I'm gonna have to go back sometime." He assured her.

"I know, I know. I just...worry." She admitted shyly, looking down at the ground.

Brian smiled, she was adorable when she worried.

"I know you do and it's kinda cute." He smirked taking notice of the slight blush that appeared on her cheeks.

He pulled her into a hug which she gladly accepted, cherishing these few seconds of normalcy. She missed being in these strong, comforting arms every night. Then much too soon for her liking, Brian pulled away but not without giving her a kiss on the cheek.

"I'll be careful, I promise." He said one more time.

"Okay. Call me if you need anything." She reminded him as he made his way to the front door.

"I will. See ya later, sweetheart." He told her. "Bye Kassi!" He called out.

"Bye daddy!" She shouted from the kitchen.

He gave Rachel one last reassuring smile before exiting the front door.


"So, how's he doing?" Lisa asked as her and Rachel settled into Rachel's office.

"I don't know." Rachel sighed. "Physically, he's fine. Just some cuts and bruises that are already healing. But mentally...he still doesn't remember anything."

"I'm so sorry Rach." Lisa sympathized. "How are you and Kas holding up?"

"Kassi's okay. Her and Brian are already back to being two peas in a pod." She laughed. "As for me...I miss him. I really miss him."

"It'll get better soon, I promise." Lisa reassured seeing the hurt in her best friends eyes. So she figured it was best to drop the subject for now. "Guess who's gotta date tonight?" Lisa smirked.

"Well it's not me. So I'm gonna go with you?" Rachel laughed.

"Yup. And...he's a fireman." Lisa said raising her eyebrows suggestively.

"Oh fuck, I bet he's hot." Rachel commented.

"Really hot." Lisa winked. "You're not the only one with a hot fireman anymore." She added making Rachel laugh.

"Former fireman." She corrected.

"Still hot." Lisa shrugged earning an amused look from Rachel.

"Did you just call my husband hot?" Rachel laughed raising an eyebrow at her friend.

"Just stating the obvious." Lisa chuckled. "Alright, I gotta go to a meeting. See you later."

"See you later."


"Hey bud!" Murr greeted as Q entered the impractical jokers office.

"Hey man, how's it going?" Q asked, shrugging off his jacket and taking a seat in the conference room chair.

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