Chapter 28

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The next morning Brian awoke to his blaring alarm that pierced through his ears.

"Shit." He groaned, rubbing the dust from his eyes.

He swung his legs over the side of the bed, planting his feet on the carpeted floor. He pushed himself up and shuffled to his dresser where pulled out an easy pair of dark blue jeans followed by his 4CD shirt. Next stop was the bathroom where he cringed at the morning messiness of his hair and beard. He half heartedly combed them each before brushing his teeth and heading out to the hallway. He quietly peeked his head in to see Rachel and Kassi still fast asleep in Kassi's room.

He then headed downstairs, slipped on the nearest pair of boots and grabbed an iced tea from the fridge. He took a long swig which helped him wake up a little more and grabbed his Jeep keys to leave for shooting.

The entire drive to the park Brian was mentally kicking himself for not telling Rachel he loved her. It was the perfect opportunity in that hospital room but then the doctor walked in and ruined any further chance. It was insane to him, that in his mind, he had only known this woman for a few months and yet he was already in love with her. Again. Maybe it had something to do with that connection he felt to her when he first woke up in the hospital after the accident. That connection never went away. With Rachel or Kassi.

He didn't know how he fell in love so fast. He just wished that feeling would never go away because it was the most amazing thing he'd ever felt.

He was so consumed with his thoughts that he didn't even realize that he had already pulled up to the park where they were shooting for the day. He pulled the key out of the ignition and grabbed his bag before walking over to the tents that were already set up. Walking up he could already see Murr, Sal, and Joe standing together, but Murr and Joe had a look of anxiousness.

"How's it goin' boys?" Q greeted making Murr and Joe's heads snap towards him.

"Holy shit dude, are you alright?" Murr asked coming up and giving Q a hug.

"Uh yeah. Why?" Q questioned, wondering if maybe he was late.

"Sal told us what happened yesterday. Scared the hell out of us, asshole." Joe chimed in also giving Brian a hug once Murr pulled away.

"Guys, I'm fine! It was just a severe migraine, nothing to worry about. I promise." Q assured, setting his things down and taking a seat in one of the fold up chairs.

The other three jokers remained standing around him.

"We also heard about you almost telling Rachel you loved her." Murr muttered not really sure if he should bring it up.

"Yeah." Q sighed.

Even though he didn't feel great about his missed opportunity he knew these three were the perfect people to get everything off his chest with.

"This is big dude! You fell in love with her again!" Joe exclaimed.

He never expected to see such behavior from his best friend. The one who said he'd never fall in love, get married, or have kids.

"Yeah I did. And I would've told her too if that fucking doctor didn't barge into the damn room." Q complained, running his hands over his face in annoyance.

"Another opportunity will come up, man." Sal commented.

"Will it though?!" Q finally erupted. "Because this woman has been nothing but amazing to me and what do I do? I turn her entire fucking life upside down!" He ranted deciding to just let everything out. "She's been there for me through everything; from that first moment I met her at the bar! When I had my nitro circus accident, she was there. When I had my stroke, she was there. When I had my doubts about being a father, she was there. Even after Kassi was born when I felt like a shitty dad, she was there. Whenever I needed her, she was there!"

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