Chapter 4

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Brian awoke he next morning, confused as to why he was in the guest room, and immediately headed downstairs. As he look around the house it took him a second to realize why everything was so different.

I don't remember anything.

"Fuck." He muttered under his breath.

Sighing heavily to himself, he pulled out some eggs and the pan as he proceeded to make himself breakfast.

It wasn't long after Brian awoke that Rachel woke up too. She looked over at Bran's side of the bed and felt a sting in her heart when she saw he wasn't there. All of the events from the last few days came flooding back and the weight on her chest became heavier. She was really hoping that it was all just a terrible dream. Sadly, it wasn't. This was her reality. She also knew that today Kassi would be coming home. She had no idea how that was going to go. She just hoped for the best.

"Morning." Rachel smiled as she entered the kitchen.

She almost instinctively walked up to him for a kiss but quickly realized what she was doing and reverted back towards the kitchen island.

"Morning." He responded with a smile of his own. "You want any eggs?"

"Hell yeah, I'm starving." She groaned as she took a seat at the breakfast counter pulling out her laptop to answer some work emails.

Brian finished the eggs and handed Rachel a plate before taking a seat across from her. As Brian sat eating his breakfast, he looked up and once again noticed the multiple Christmas decorations located around the house.

"So, what do we usually do for Christmas? I mean, I usually spend it alone watching tv with the cats and playing video games." Brian asked with a mouthful of toast.

"Well, we go to your parents on Christmas Eve, then Christmas Day my parents come for breakfast and presents then leave. And the rest of the day we just kinda hang out and watch movies." She answered looking across at him.

"Christmas movies?" He said cringing slightly, he never liked Christmas movies.

"No." Rachel laughed after seeing his face. "We watch like Disney movies and marvel movies with Kassi. Sometimes after she goes to bed you and I watch horror movies."

"You like horror movies?!" Brian asked excitedly.

"Oh yeah." She simply stated. Just then her phone went off on the counter and she picked it up to read the message. "That's my mom. She'll be here with Kassi in about half an hour." Rachel said reading the message.

Suddenly that nervous feeling that Brian had the day before was coming back. He was about to meet his daughter. His three year old daughter. The daughter he doesn't remember. The daughter he had always thought he never wanted.

Rachel noticed he got quiet and looked up to see Brian playing with the ring on his middle finger. A nervous trait he had that Rachel noticed when they first started dating. She knew this was probably a lot for him. He was about to meet his daughter that he didn't even know he had.

Rachel reached across the counter taking Brian's hand in her own. He looked up from his food and looked into her emerald green eyes. He felt her thumb brush across his knuckles and just like that everything seemed okay again. His nerves washed away in an instant and she hadn't even said anything yet.

"It'll be alright, I promise. If you get overwhelmed at all or you just need a break, let me know. You don't have to worry, it's ok." She coaxed gently, offering him a warm smile.

He smiled back at her, continuing to look into her green eyes. They were mesmerizing almost. He was lost in her eyes and her words when she spoke again, pulling him from his trance.

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