Chapter 23

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It was coming up to around 1:00 in the afternoon and Rachel had just finished her latest client project. She saved the file and sent it over to Lisa who did final checks and touch ups before sending it to the client. Noticing the time, Rachel was about to go the break room and find something for lunch until she heard a knock at the door.

"Come in!" She called back, not really paying attention to who it was.

"Hey sexy." A deep voice echoed throughout the office.

She looked up and smiled when she saw her handsome husband standing in the doorway with a bag in his hand.

"Brian? What the hell are you doing here?" She giggled walking around her desk to greet him.

He walked further into the office, closing the door behind him before placing a wet kiss to Rachel's lips.

"We were filming a few blocks away and took a break for lunch. And I missed you so I brought us some food." He said holding up the bag in his hand.

Rachel wrapped her arms around his neck and gave him another soft kiss, feeling his free arm coil around her waist.

"You're the best." She whispered against his lips.

"I know." He whispered back with a cocky smirk before reconnecting their lips one more time.

The two sat at Rachel's desk talking and eating the sandwiches Brian had brought when Lisa came walking in the office.

"Oh, hey Brian!" Lisa greeted surprised to see him there.

"Hey Lisa!" He smiled watching her take a seat next to him across from where Rachel sat behind the desk.

"What's up?" Rachel questioned taking a sip of her drink.

"I'm glad you're both here actually." Lisa said. "Remember that fireman I told you I was going out with?" She asked looking over at Rachel.


"Well turns out he's a big fan of yours," She said looking at Brian now. "And I thought if you guys wanted we could do like a double date kinda thing." She suggested looking between them both.

Brian looked over at Rachel and shrugged suggesting he wasn't against the idea. Rachel picked up on his cues and looked back over at Lisa.

"Yeah we'll go. Just text me when and where." Rachel told her as Lisa got up to leave them alone with their lunch.

"Great! I'll see you guys later." She told them before she was out the door.


Later that night Brian and Rachel had gotten ready while Sal came over once he agreed to watch Kassi for the night. Kassi came over to them to hug and kiss them goodbye before they left.

"Be good, honey." Brian said leaning down to kiss the top of her head.

She moved to hug and Rachel and after a quick goodbye to Sal, Brian and her were out the door.

They arrived at the restaurant where Lisa and her boyfriend were already waiting. Everyone greeted each other before they went inside and were ushered to a table.


Their meals were just about finished and so far everyone was having a great time. Brian's and Lisa's date, Steve, talked about the fire department and exchanged stories while Lisa and Rachel just kinda sat back and listened. Rachel couldn't pry her eyes away from her husband as his eyes lit up while he told his firefighter stories. He was always so prideful and confident when he spoke about it and it just made her love him all the more.

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