Chapter 27

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Rachel was sat on the uncomfortable plastic chair in the corner of Brian's room, elbows on her knees, chin resting atop her knuckles as she stared blankly at the blue colored tile in the middle of the floor. Brian was sat anxiously on the end of the stiff hospital bed, nervously playing with the ring located on his middle finger.

The silence of the room was deafening yet both of them were too consumed with their own thoughts and worry that they couldn't speak. As soon as they pulled up to the hospital Brian was taken for multiple tests and scans while Rachel waited in an empty waiting room. Once the multiple testings were finished Brian and Rachel were instructed to stay in the room and await the results. Forty five minutes had gone by and with each passing minute their anxiety grew. These results could make or break Brian's progress.

Finally Brian broke his mindless trance and peered over at his wife. He studied the look of worry one her eyes, the way her fingertips tapped against her cheek, the way her teeth nervously nibbled at her bottom lip. He suddenly felt a wave of guilt wash over him. He had put this woman through so much over the last few weeks. She had been nothing but perfect to him after the accident. And based on what he's heard, she was just as perfect before the accident too.

Just when he was about to open his mouth and apologize for everything he'd put her though there was a knock on the door.

"Come in!" Brian called, clearing his throat after being silent for so long.

"Mr and Mrs Quinn, we have the results from your scans." The doctor started looking between them both. Rachel and Brian listened intently as the doctor continued. "I'm glad to say you didn't have a stroke."

Both Rachel and Brian breathed a sigh of relief, letting out a breath they didn't even know they were holding in.

"So what was it?" Rachel chimed in from her seat.

"It was a severe migraine. They're common after an head injury like yours." He informed looking over at Brian. "I'll write you a prescription for some pain killers and get your discharge papers ready. You'll be outta here in the next hour."

The doctor left the room and immediately Rachel jumped up and moved in between Brian's knees, wrapping her arms around his neck. Brian instantly wrapped his strong arms around her waist holding her as tight as could, never ever wanting to let go. He tucked his face into her shoulder, breathing in her familiar sweet scent as her arms coiled around him tighter.

"I'm so fucking glad you're okay." She whispered nuzzling her face into his neck.

The smell of his cologne overwhelmed her senses and a feeling of warmth came over her at the feel of his gentle palms snaking under her shirt and onto her bare back.

"Thank you for being here with me." He mumbled feeling her pull away the slightest bit.

"I told you I wasn't going anywhere." Rachel reminded, rubbing her hands over his broad shoulders.

As Brian stared deeply into the bright shades of green that swirled within her irises he could feel the rest of the world fade away. In that moment nothing else mattered. It felt as if they were the only two people on the planet and the longer he gazed into her beautiful eyes the more love he felt for her. He's known for a little while that he was falling in love with her. But now he knew and now he realized just how much he loved her.

When she kisses him good morning and goodnight. When she plays with his longer beard. When she asks him about his day. When she lays her head on his chest and tells him stories he didn't remember. When she leaves sweet kisses on his forehead. When she giggles at his jokes. When she strokes his hair and kisses his head if it hurts. When she cooks for him. When she hugs him after a hard day. When she snuggles with him if she's cold. When she stays by him no matter what shit he puts her through.

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