Chapter 5

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It didn't take long for Brian's brothers and their families to show up too. It was weird to see all of his nieces and nephews all grown up. He only remembered them being young.

It was just after dinner and Brian was about ready to pass out. All throughout dinner and continuing afterwards, all his nieces, nephews, and brothers were sharing different memories. Obviously he wasn't remembering any of them and pretty much every single one of them was going in one ear and out the other. Most of the time they wouldn't even finish one story before they started another and with every passing minute he could feel the pounding in his head get worse. He was completely overwhelmed but he didn't have the heart to tell them enough was enough.

Luckily, he had Rachel by his side. As the family sat together in the living room, pouring yet another memory into Brian's head, Rachel noticed how stressed he was becoming. She saw him out of the corner of her eye rubbing his temples and trying to follow along. She knew the doctor said this wasn't good for him.

"Hey Bri, can I talk to you for a sec?" Rachel asked cutting off his brothers story.

"Uh, yeah sure." He answered, unsure of what she wanted to talk about. He honestly didn't care, as long as it got him out of that room. Brian followed Rachel as she stood up and proceeded down the hall to one of the guest bedrooms. "So, what's up? Everything okay?" Brian questioned once she shut the door behind them.

"Yeah I'm all good. I just figured you needed a break. Everybody sharing stuff at once, it's a lot to process." She shrugged taking a seat on the edge of the bed.

Brian followed suit and sat close next to her, breathing a sigh of relief and embracing the few moments of quiet.

"It was. Thank you." He smiled warmly.

The two of them sat in a comfortable silence, enjoying the much needed break from the family at the moment.

"You and I had sex in here once." Rachel said suddenly, breaking the silence.

Brian looked at her questioningly wondering if he had actually heard her right.

"That was so fucking random." Brian laughed looking over at her.

"I completely forgot until just now. Figured I'd share." She shrugged, Brian's laughter now becoming contagious. "I'm pretty sure it was your nephew's birthday and everyone was distracted with presents, so you dragged me in here and we fucked." Rachel explained, the laughter continuing.

"Spontaneous. I like it." Brian winked at her.

Rachel playfully rolled her eyes and stood from her seat on the bed.

"You ready to head back out there?" She asked offering him her hand.

He gladly accepted and stood from the bed. Truthfully, he would have much rather stayed in that room with Rachel than go back out with his family.

"Everything ok?" Carol asked when they made their reappearance.

"Yeah. Just had to finalize some present ideas." Rachel answered as her and Brian resumed their position next to each other on the couch.

Kassi came over to them and climbed into Brian's lap, resting her head on his shoulder. He was a little taken back by her actions. He was still getting used to being a dad and wasn't accustomed to such a display of affection from a child. But as soon as he felt her snuggle in closer to him he immediately melted into her touch. He wrapped his arm around her, holding her close as he gently rubbed her back with his palm. The connection he felt with this little girl was indescribable. Even though he didn't remember her, it did not take long for her to steal his heart. In his mind it had only been a few days since he's known this girl yet she already had him completely wrapped around her finger.

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