Chapter 2

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After calling everyone they needed to and informing them of Brian's accident, the four of them sat around just waiting for Q to wake up. Sal glanced over at Rachel who still was sitting in the chair next to his bed, watching his chest rise and fall just to make sure she knew he was still breathing. He walked over and pulled up a chair next to her, wrapping his arm around her shoulders.

"He'll be alright sweetheart. It's Q for fucks sake, I'm convinced nothing will kill this man." Sal laughed trying to lighten the mood.

Rachel finally cracked a smile and rested her head on Sal's shoulder. He rubbed her upper arm and comforted her as best he could even though a part of him was also terrified that something wouldn't be ok.

They all continued to sit in silence, the tv being used as background noise, occasionally pulling out there phone to occupy themselves as they waited for Brian to awake. But her phone was the last thing on Rachel's mind. Her hand mindlessly played with Brian's fingers as she watched over him, scared that if she looked away something would happen to him. Her eyes scanned over every feature of his face that she fell in love with years ago. Although his hair was now short and his beard was fuller compared to when they first started dating he was still easily the sexiest, most handsome man she'd ever known. A small smile appeared on her face as she thought about how lucky she was that she had him. She didn't know what she'd do if she ever lost him.

"Rach?" Joe asked snapping her out of her trance.

"Yeah?" She responded looking up at the man standing next to her.

"We're gonna go get some food. You want anything?" He offered placing a soothing hand on her shoulder.

"No I'm alright, not really hungry." She answered.

That wasn't a total lie. She didn't think she could eat sitting here while Brian was like this. The three other guys shared uneasy looks. It had been four hours now and this girl hadn't eaten or drank anything.

"Come on Rach, you gotta eat something. You're not gonna be any good for him if you starve yourself." Murr chimed in.

Rachel looked around at the three of them and sighed, she knew they were doing what was best.

"Ok. I'll just have a sandwich and a coffee, please." She relented knowing they wouldn't give up that easily.

"You got it. We'll be right back." Joe said as he walked out of the room, Sal and Murr following closely behind him.

While they were gone Rachel stayed in the same place, continuing to hold her husband's hand. Suddenly she felt his fingers start to move against her own. Her eyes widened and she stood from the chair, hovering over him. Slowly, his eyes started to flutter open taking in his surroundings before looking up and locking eyes with the woman next to his bed.

"Brian?" She whispered. "Oh thank god you're alright! I was so worried about you!" Rachel cried as she leaned down to hug him.

Confused wasn't even enough to describe what Brian was feeling.

"Uh, who are you?" He asked, his face scrunched with confusion as the woman finally pulled back from the hug.

"What?" It was now Rachel's turn to be confused.

"Look, I don't know who you are or why I'm in the hospital, but could you please get a doctor or something?" He asked rubbing the side of his head that was now pounding.

Rachel stood back staring at him in disbelief. Then the guys came back and noticed Q was awake.

"Hey man! You're awake! How are you feeling?" Murr asked setting down Rachel's food on the side table.

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