Chapter 16

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"Fuck!" Joe exclaimed once they were off stage. "That was a good one boys!"

"It really fucking was!" Murr added. "Anybody feel like going out to celebrate?" He offered looking between his three best friends.

"Yeah sure, why not?" Sal shrugged grabbing his things and getting ready to leave.

Joe and Q decided to tag along too and followed each other out as they headed to celebrate.

It had been a week and a half since Brian left for tour and if he was being completely honest, he was feeling pretty homesick. He had made sure to call Kassi and Rachel everyday and just hearing their voices made his entire day. He especially loved the nights when Rachel would call him after Kassi went to bed and they'd have hot phone sex. Although some days he did have to use the help of the folder on his phone whenever Rachel went to bed early.

So now here they are, one more week left of tour, and celebrating tonight's show at a bar and grill. The foursome found a booth to settle themselves in before a waiter came over taking drink orders. Then against all better judgement...Brian ordered his drink.

"Can I get a Stella Artois, please?" Q told the waiter who jotted it down and walked away.

When he turned back all his friends were giving him pretty disapproving looks.

"You're not supposed to be drinking, man." Joe reminded.

Q rolled his eyes becoming pretty tired of being treated like a child.

"It's one beer. Chill out." Q said earning more disapproving looks and head shakes.

"It's a bad idea, bud. You're still healing." Sal added from where he sat next to Brian.

"Y'know I'm getting pretty fucking tired of people treating me like some fragile child." Q finally snapped. "I'm a grown ass man who just had an amazing show and is honestly really missing his wife and daughter. So excuse me for wanting to just enjoy a beer."

Just when he finished the waitress came back with the drinks and handed Q his beer. He gladly popped the cap off and took a long swig. Despite his rant a few seconds earlier the other three jokers still didn't like the actions Q was deciding to do.

"Oh my god!" A voice appeared in front of them. They turned to see a younger woman standing there and smiling...a fan. "You're the impractical jokers! Can I get a picture with you guys?" She asked excitedly.

"Yeah of course, hun." Joe smiled.

The four jokers leaned over the table and into the frame of the girls phone as she snapped the picture from where she stood.

"Thank you guys so much." She smiled and then walked off.

The four guys enjoyed their meal and Q did stick to his word, only having one drink. But that didn't change the fact that he went against Rachel's wishes.


"So how's Brian doing?" Lisa asked while her and Rachel sat in her office eating lunch.

"I think he's doing better." Rachel answered. "Just fucking sucks that he's on tour right now. That never gets easier."

"Especially since you're fucking again." Lisa smirked not looking up from her phone. Rachel rolled her eyes and sat back picking at her salad. "Well, at least he can drink again. That's a plus."

"He can't drink yet." Rachel corrected eating a piece of lettuce off her fork.

"Um...I'm no expert but I'm pretty sure that's a beer bottle in his hand." Lisa said showing Rachel the photo that had shown up in her Twitter feed.

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