Chapter 3

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"Wow." Brian smirked after hearing all about Kassi. "She sounds like my absolute perfect kid." He laughed making Rachel laugh too. He was already in love with her laugh. "Speaking of which, where is she?" Brian asked.

Rachel quieted and came back to reality, she still had to tell Kassi.

"She's at my parents house. I figured I'd head up there tomorrow after I drop you off and grab our stuff. I'll try to explain everything that's happened." She told him sadly.

It took Brian a minute to process what she said. He wasn't understanding.

"Wait...what do you mean drop me off and grab your stuff?" He questioned.

Rachel stared at him blankly.

"I mean drop you off and grab stuff for me and Kassi. We'll need it for when we stay at my parents." She said as if she was stating the obvious.

"Why aren't you staying at the house with me?" He asked.

He started to get a weird nervous feeling at the thought of this woman not being beside him anymore.

"I figured you'd want your house back. I mean the last you remember you live alone." She explained.

"Rachel, it's your house too. I'm not gonna just kick you out of your home!" He exclaimed.

"Brian, you just woke up to a wife and daughter you didn't even know you had! I don't want to put any pressure or responsibility on you." Rachel pushed, surprised he was so persistent on them staying put.

"But I want you there! I want to get to know our daughter, I want to get to know you, and I want to do it in our home! It'll never help me remember if you two aren't there with me!" He said, raising his voice slightly to get his point across. He still saw the hesitation in this woman's eyes and reached down to take her hand in his. "Please stay." He practically begged.

"You're sure?" She asked, making sure he wouldn't regret this later.

"Positive." He smiled, relived that she wasn't leaving.

"Okay, we'll stay. But patient with her. It'll probably take her some time to actually understand and even then she'll probably slip up a few times." Rachel tried to explain as best she could.

"I will. In my head I don't have much experience with kids, but after hearing everything you've said about her I don't think it'll be a problem." He smiled.

Rachel looked back at him and noticed how tired he seemed.

"You should probably get some sleep." She spoke softly.

"Yeah you're probably right." He yawned and leaned back in bed pulling the covers further up over himself. "You're gonna stay with me, right?" He asked sheepishly, keeping his eyes closed.

"I'm not going anywhere."


The next morning Rachel stuck to her word and stayed with Brian all night. However once Joe, Sal, and Murr showed up she knew it was time to tell Kassi. She couldn't hold it off forever.

"You ready to do this?" Joe asked from the passenger seat of Rachel's car.

"No." She answered while nervously biting her nails.

"It's gonna be alright, Rach. She's a smart kid, she'll understand." Joe comforted as the two of them continued the drive to Rachel's parents house in Long Island.

"I hope so." Rachel muttered under breath.

It wasn't long before they came up to her parents house where Kassi was staying. As promised, Joe remained right by Rachel's side and helped explain the situation to Kassi. It took some time to help her fully understand what was going on and once she did it broke Rachel's heart. She could see the sadness in her daughter's eyes.

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