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TW: Blood

"Ooh, lemme see the bags!" Ginny said as Esbeth and George walked into the burrow.

"Chill out, Gin.!" Esbeth said with a chuckle as she pulled the bags away and immediately shot up the stairs and into George's room, putting the bags under the bed, then protecting them with a shielding charm.

Esbeth was about to turn out of the room, when she felt a cold spiky chill go up her back, in the pattern of finger tips, running along her back.

Esbeth quickly shot around and swatted, but nothing was there. It must have been a bug, or a chill coming from a cracked window, and she shooed it away from her mind, still left with an eerie feeling In her heart.

As she twisted down the spiral staircases, she splayed a fake smile across her face, trying to hide the fact that she was completely creeped out.

"B.! Please!" Ginny shouted, completely trapped in a headlock by George.

"Merlins beard, George!" Esbeth shouted as she ran over and pulled Ginny and Ron out from two headlocks.

Fred high-Fived George before running up the stairs with Ella, holding a box that had chess pieces in it.

"Thank you..." Ron said out of breath, as Esbeth pushed George playfully, then telling him he shouldn't do that, through each push.

George giggled as Ginny and Ron caught their breath, and Esbeth finally let up.

George, Ron, and Ginny had all made up, somehow without any speaking, and were all headed too the living room.

For some reason Esbeth just couldn't drop the feeling that she had, the eerie ness. The feeling that something was going to happen soon, was blistering through her skin, but she still chose to ignore it.

"B.!" She heard George's voice boom, as she stared down at the floor.

"W- What? Sorry." She said as she snapped out of her thoughts, feeling her suspiciousness going away slowly once again.

"You okay?" George said as he rubbed her arm and started to pull her in for a hug.

"George, really I'm fine." She said as she pushed away slowly, but kindly.

"Ok...Do you want to wrap the presents?" George said, checking if Ginny or Ron were listening.

"Yea, sure - sure." She said as she scooted past him and started up the stairs.

George followed and heard Ginny and Ron arguing about something, plus the crash of a pair of dice hitting the table.

"Alright, what spell did you use?" George said as he closed his door, and pulled out his wand.

"Protego." Esbeth said as she went fishing through the closet for papers and ribbons.

"Prior Incanto Protego!" He shouted as the invisible shield let up, and George quickly scrambled the presents and sat them on the bed.

"Ah, found it." Esbeth said as she pulled out a package of lime green tissue paper, and a roll of red ribbon.

"Do you have scissors?" Esbeth asked as she Threw the other supplies onto the bed.

"Yea, here." George said as he rummaged through his drawers until he found a pair.

As Esbeth busted open the plastic package, George started to take the gifts out of their retail bags. Esbeth unrolled the ribbon, leaving a strand to cut.

She started to cut out a fitting peice for the gumdrops she had gotten, when George started to ask a question.

"Why is there a bunch of...hair...in the corner?" He asked, looking down at a small clump of brown, ratty hair witch was on the hardwood floor.

Esbeth continued cutting and turned to George when she felt her scissors hit an unusual texture. As she turned back to her paper, she couldn't tell what was going at first but it immediately hit her when a prickling, boiling pain surged through her pointer finger, and up her arm.

"Fuck!" She screamed as she started to hold her finger in her other hand, blood dripping down her arm.

"Shit, what happened?!" George shouted as he opened the door, then rushing Esbeth into the bathroom, about 3 meters away from his bedroom.

"I- I think I turned, and lost where I was putting my finger-." She slurred as tears started pouring down her face, her voice becoming nasally and choked. George quickly handed her a clean towel so she could rinse her other hand, the un-Mamed one in the sink.

"I'm so sorr-."

"Hey, hey don't apologize, it's ok." George said as he bent down and applied pressure to her finger, then rummaging through the cupboards for a band aid, then pulling out his wand.

"It hurts, as you know." He said, as he took the towel off slowly, blood already starting to drip into the sink.

He held his wand as steady as possible, as he watched her finger carefully.

"I'm doing it quick, ok? Episky!"

The large cut, was Mended through thin air as the skin sealed itself up.

Esbeth turned back to George, who's back was facing the shower, and paneled wall.

"Thank you so-." Esbeth started but quickly stopped.

As she stared into George's, her own eyes went wide as the feeling returned.

She felt fingertips tracing up her back, and couldn't hear George any more, nor could she smell what cologne he was wearing.

As she looked past George, her breath rising, a large dark cloud-like shape formed in the corner of the shower.

As she started to back away, a Yellow pair of eyes formed, and a hairy, mysterious figure appeared, but she couldn't identify what it was.

"B.!" She heard George shout, as the figure disappeared and She flinched at George's loud voice, her body shaking.

"What's wrong?" George said as he turned Esbeth into a hug.

"B-..behind you-...there was someone- something there." She said as she shook in his arms.

He quickly turned behind him, holding his wand carefully, but there was nothing to be seen.

"B. You're fine." He said, as he looked down at her and continued hugging her, her body shaking and her face damp with tears.

"Do you want to lay down?" He said after he kissed her head.

"Yea, ok." She said as she slowly turned, her eyebrows furrowing trying to think about what that thing was.

Perhaps she had just lost blood?

Or perhaps.

Perhaps things were going to get dark.

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