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"George, just come upstairs with me!" Esbeth said, as she pulled at his arm, begging George to come to bed instead of just sleeping on the couch.

"No, Esbeth....you come down here." He said through breaths, just so tired, begging to stay downstairs.

"Mate, you're taking up half of the seating in this room." Fred said, over by the window, handing a brown envelo0pe to pidwidgeon.

"For Ella?" Esbeth said, letting go of George.

"Yes, I'm finally asking her out. She's so good to me, I can't seem to stop thinking about her and I need to tell her."

Esbeth had an eerie feeling but smiled, and continued working on getting George upstairs.

"Fine. Get out of my way!" George said dramatically as he stood up, dazed from sleep.

"Finally! I've been sitting on the floor!" Harry snapped.

George scoffed, and grabbed esbeth's hand loosely, guiding her up the stairs.

"Goodnight guys." Esbeth said as she went up sluggishly.

Esbeth and George entered the room, and on a usual night at home, they'd cuddle for a few hours, or... other activities, but George was too tired, and they were at the burrow, so they figured unanimously that they would just go to sleep.

George barely made it up the ladder to the loft of Ginny's room, and Esbeth pulled herself up much quicker, and crawled on top of George, listening to his heartbeat steadily as she sat still awake for maybe thirty minutes before drifting to sleep.


ginny boomed in the room, slamming the door against the wall, which made the sleepy couple screech, awoken abruptly.

"I want my room back! Anniversary is over get on with it!" She tugged at the blankets they were sleeping on, and they both crawled down defiantly.

"Merlin ginny, way to wake us up!" George groaned, stepping down after Esbeth.

"Bye!" Ginny pushed both out, and slammed the door again.

"Jesus!" Esbeth said, reaching for a hair tie from George's wrist, and putting her hair up, then walking down the stairs.

"What's got you in a huff?"Harry asked, sitting at the table eating a sandwich.

"Ginny woke us up, very rudely I may add." George said. "Why are you eating a sandwich for breakfast?"

"Erm- it's lunchtime."

"Wait what?" Esbeth said. "George we gotta go!"

George tried to put on shoes while rushing to the fireplace, and Esbeth had put hers on before coming downstairs.

"Oh? Bye! Come back sometime soon!" Molly shouted from the living room folding laundry.

"Bye!" Esbeth pulled George in and grabbed a handful of powder.

"Weasley's Wizard Weazes!"

All of a sudden they were in the flat, covered in ash.

"Oh god, I hear a crowd fred will kill me!" George ran to his room, and brushed off any ash, putting on his suit.

"You work too get on your suit!" George shouted from the room. "Esbeth? Come on!" George finished putting on his suit.

In a huff, he rushed into the living room, and saw Esbeth looking down from the loft into the shop.

"What? What's caught your eye?"

"Ella's here. Fred's got his hand on her back."

"Oh well good for him, get your suit on Carny!" George ran down the stairs, apologizing to Fred, and Esbeth headed into the room, getting ready for the day.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 18, 2021 ⏰

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