My Life (Ghostbur)

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Wanted posters spread the partially destroyed streets of L'manburg. Tubbo and Technoblade where wanted for crimes against L'manburg. Meanwhile, people where looking for Wilbur. 

"Tommy, maybe there dead." Dream questioned. He and Tommy continued to rebuild l'manburg, and fix the holes. 

"No, no. There not dead." Tommy insisted light heartly. They continued in silence, untill Dream spoke up again. 

"We haven't seen them since, well since this happened." Dream turned to Tommy. Tommy backed up, shaking his head. 

"Dream, Dream please. Just stop talking." Tommy laughed, trying to lighten the mood. 

"Tommy I-"  Dream started, but Tommy didn't let him finish. 

"SHUT UP! I AM YOUR PRESIDENT!" Tommy yelled. Dream backed up, and nodded silently. They both returned to fixing L'manburg. 

"Wilbur! We found you! Finally!"  Quakity excitedly called. Wilbur ran up to him, not speaking. "I WON! HAHA! SUCK IT DREAM! I TOLD HIM I'D FIND YOU!" Quakity continues to yell.

"Who's Wilbur?"  The person who was supposedly Wilbur questioned.  Quakity and Fundy were taken a back for a second. 

"You are, right? Your Wilbur!" Fundy protested. Wilbur shook his head. 

"I'm Ghostbur. Are you talking about Alivebur?" Ghostbur asked. Quakity shrugged at Fundy. 

"I guess?" Fundy said. Ghostbur smiled, and started to walk. 

"Are you coming? Ghostbo is just over there! At home!"  Ghostbur explained. Quakity and Fundy followed, both confused. They started light conversation to pass the time. 

"Where here! Welcome to the Ghost Lands!" Ghostbur informed them. They saw a small campground, with two small tents and four campfires in a square. Behind facing tents, was a small obsidian cube with a iron door. They could see Tubbo's username in the yellow tent. 

"Quakity! Fundy!"  Ghostbo called. 

"Tubbo!" Fundy called. All three ran over, and the four circled around the campsite. 

"Whats going on with you guys?" Quakity questioned. For once, he was being serious. This was a shock to Fundy. 

"Me and Ghostbo have been talking. We figured out that I only remeber the bad things, and Tubbo only remembers the good things! We compared memories, and it all fits!" Ghostbur explained. Ghostbo stayed silent.

"Why with the obsidian box?" Fundy questioned. Ghostbur let out a sad sigh. 

"It's Techno's house. He built it. We don't know what he's doing. He seems to remember it all" Ghostbur told them worriedly. Fundy nodded, and Quakity spoke up again. 

"Any shared memories? Like anything that Tubbo, er I mean Ghostbo, though was good and you thought was bad?" Quakity asked. The two ghosts glanced at eachother. Ghostbo finally spoke up. 

"We both remember when I blew up L'manburg."

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