My Heart (Skeppy)

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<Skeppy> Bad? Where are you?
<TommyInnit> Everything ok?
<Skeppy> BAD COME ON!
<Dream> Is everything ok?
<Dream> Nothing!!!

Skeppy was fuming. Dream had to have done something. 

Bad had vanished. They had been camping, everything normal. According to their visit from Tommy, the server had been relatively calm. But when Skeppy woke up that morning, Bad hadn't been in his tent or anywhere in the area. Sure, Bad was much more of a early riser then Skeppy, but he never left the area until Skeppy woke up. 

Skeppy had tried to message Bad, as well as asking in the public chat. Nothing. It was unlike him, he never ignored Skeppy.  

Dream stayed silent in chat after the exchange. It was enough to confirm Skeppy's suspicions. He was ready to knock that green boy in the head and take all three of his cannon lives. He could practically hear Bad's voice screaming 'language' at all his plans. 

"Skeppy?" Tommy questioned. Skeppy noted the calmer tone in his voice. Of course the one time Skeppy wanted to kill the world Tommy was calm. 

"Hey Tommy. Do you know where Dream is?" Skeppy got right to the point. 

"No I- What's going on?" Tommy was slowly filling with panic, threatening to tarnish his calm mood. 

"I can't find Bad and he won't respond. Dream must have taken him." Skeppy spat. Tommy fell into thought. 

<Technoblade> I think I know where he is

Skeppy's breath caught in excitement. He waited impatiently for the connect noise to fill his ears. 

"Helloo" Techno sang his normal greeting. Tommy hummed a hello. 

"What do you know." Skeppy demanded. Techno grunted, offend. 

"I think Dream did something to George and Sapnap, and kidnaped him." Technoblade relented. "And I'm gonna leave because I don't want to face your anger blue boy." And the disconnect noise sounded. 

"Tommy, are you sure you don't know where Dream is?" Skeppy checked. 

"I do not know where he is, but what ever your planning-" Tommy was cut off by Skeppy disconnecting from the channel. He would find Dream if it was the last thing he did. 

He had a feeling he knew where Dream, and hopefully Bad, where. They had come across a house on one adventure, that they could only assume was Technoblade's. It was a good enough place to start.  

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