Their Souls (Nobody)

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Tommy's body just lay their. Everyone in the room crept around it in circles. It was far from silent, sobs were filling the room.

Puffy held Niki against her chest, both taking comfort in eachother.

George had gone over to where Sapnap stood. Sapnap was interwoven with his fiancé, Quackity, well Karl held Quackity's hand loosely. Sapnap and George's eyes held a similar lost look. Neither knew what to do, now that not only Tommy but Dream was dead. All 4 where silently crying.

Ghostbur was lost. He held himself in his own arms, sobs shaking him. Nobody else was there for him, he had never felt more alone. Seeing his little brother's body on the floor. He wasn't sure what to feel, sorrow? Their was a small part of him that was filled his anger. Anger that his dad, Phil, would never be able to accept Tommy as an official family member.
That didn't mean Tommy wasn't his brother.

Ranboo stood awkwardly next to Ghostbur. He didn't know what to do, he felt like a stranger in his own body. He couldn't cry, his body wouldn't let him knowing the water would sting his skin. Instead a small tear trickled down, burning a line down his skin. His tail was hanging limpy. He didn't know how to feel, and didn't know if he ever would again.

Skeppy's eyes where glued to the body. Tommy's face was pale, eyes glassed over and open, and head slung uncomfortably far out its socket. Bad was crying, Skeppy tangled in his arms. Bad had sat down so the 9ft demon could properly hold the 2ft diamond boy. Skeppy was silent, his body frozen in shock.

Fundy and Hbomb stood side by side. Hbomb didn't know what to feel. He didn't really know the boy, but watching him die still hurt.
Fundy's fur was forming triangles under the tears. His body was shaking with silent sobs. Tommy had been like a brother to him. Wilbur had always treated Tommy like a son, and that rubbed off on his actual son. Fundy couldn't hold his mind back from questioning why the body hadn't disappeared into smoke like it should.

Ghostbo had screamed in agony when it happened. Now loud sobs escaped his lips. He had crumbled to the floor next to Tommy in the middle of the floor. His hands where lost, wanting to touch but not knowing where to start. They hovered over his dead best friend uselessly.
He was in pain. Everything mindlessly hurt, a feeling he hadn't felt in awhile. He had grown convinced ghosts couldn't feel physical pain. But now he was being proved wrong. It felt like something was trying to bite and tear and rip him apart.

Tubbo finally rested him hands on Tommy's eyelids, pushing them gently closed. He then shifted his head slightly so it looked better. Now he looked normal, like he could just be asleep.

Tubbo hesitated before making the last adjustments to his best friends body. He fluffed up Tommy's hair just the way he used to like it, and unclenched the loose fists that Tommy had died with. This caused the sword in them the be released and lay next to Tommy.

With this final movement, Tubbo's hand brushed against Tommy's. It was still warm, but only a faint warmth. Not the normal warmth his best friend used to exude. It was missing. Tommy's death made the room feel quieter then anything ever had when he was their.

In this slight brush, their fingers intertwined slightly. This small action set off something that would stay in everyone else on the servers mind forever.

Tommy and Tubbo's bodies slowly shifted into something silk like. It intertwined and flowed, going up and up. A pastel red for Tommy, a deep forest green for Tubbo. It was climbing slowly, almost like it was hesitating.

Karl was the one who noticed it first. A green bandana floating up after it. It was the one Tommy always wore as a sort of friendship bracelet with Tubbo. It seemed lost, looking for a companion.

Karl fingered the red cloth in this pocket, the one he had gotten from Theo in the past. Theo who had looked oddly similar to Tubbo.
Tubbo had never had a red bandana, something Karl had found odd. It only took a moment for the realization to strike.

"Good bye Theo, Bye Tommy." Karl released the  bandana into the wind, and watched it be swept away. His whisper was taken with it. Nobody else knew where to came from, but nobody really cared.

As soon as the green bandana found its friend, they began to match the movements of the silk threads with great speed. Both sped up, going straight through the celling. It left Tubbo and Tommy's bodies entirely unraveled, like it was a loose cloth in a shirt.

Nobody in the cavern could see what happened when it reached the surface. But other eyes, Philza, Eret, Sam, and Antfrost among others, saw it to fill in the details.

The ribbon left into the sky, fading away. It was clear what was happening later.

The lost and longing spirits had finally found eachother, denying all odds. And now they where happy.

It was their time to leave this world, Karl knew that better then anyone. And in the days of sobbing to come, there was a certain joy to him. He kept it quiet to let others morn.

So that was it. A boy named Theo, who you know by Tubbo, and a boy named Tommy finally met there ending. Their happily ever after if you will. And it was perfect.

This is far from the end of everyone else's stories, but it is where I shall leave it. Because the story I came to tell is over.

Ranboo cleared his throat, looking for a way to end the story. The small piglin infrount of him giggled happily. Ranboo decided to leave it there so he wouldn't choke up more.

"Why awe you so sawd?" Michel asked. His voice still often faded to piglin snorts, but he was learning the langue most people on the server spoke quickly.

"Don't worry Michel." Ranboo smiled at the kid. Part of his heart always ached when he looked at Michel, thinking of how much he had missed. A great dad, and uncle. Michael would never know them, but it was still a great loss.

"I'm ok." Ranboo whispered, turning to the window. He could of sworn he saw a silky flash of red and green out the window before Michel snuggled closer into his arms.

This was far from perfect, but Ranboo loved it. Just as Tommy and Tubbo had found theirs, Ranboo had found his. His happily ever after.

The end

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