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Naomi met Gran Torino who she accidentally had call 'Ji-san' really making him to chuckle as he didn't expect that title as Nezu chuckles. Gran Torino will be her sensei for the week making her to be happy, but she looks to Shadō-no-Hantāzu really.

"He can't leave you as he is fully marked down as a therapy pet. He goes where you go. Just needs a collar to prove it." Nezu said as he shows the collar making her to smile and placed it on as Power Loader made it to expand when he uses his Quirk.

Shadō-no-Hantāzu loves his new fashion style making him to loudly rumble against Naomi's neck making her to laugh as everyone smiles at the scene in front of them really. Gran Torino will help master even more making her to grin as he's in for hell.

Nezu chuckles as she takes after her kyoufu making Gran Torino to shiver as he doesn't know if he should ask or not. He knew that he should have fully asked as she is not something he could handle alone really. Naomi has CRAZY stamina and endurance.

He doesn't know what she did to get them really as he is getting his ass handed to him... ON A SILVER PLATER! All Might and Nezu was getting a video of those matches and him complaining she's a 'monster' and he can't beat her.

"I'm blaming you two for this! Just how strong is she?!" All Might saw Naomi's face making him to not like how Gran Torino worded it as Naomi is going to be having an episode from this that is if her pet, Shadō-no-Hantāzu doesn't kill first really.

"Naomi doesn't like being called a monster, old man Torino. It makes her feel like she is a monster when she isn't." He flinched badly and apologize making her to accept, but still has that feeling inside of her really making All Might to just hate it really.

"Naomi, sweetheart. When old man Torino was calling you a monster, he means in a fight, no one can beat you hands down really." Naomi had almost giving herself whiplash from fully turning towards him on the laptop.

"Honto?" She asked as he and Nezu nodded their heads making her to smile brightly as Torino faked "Too Bright! I think I'm blinded!" making Naomi to laugh which made him to blush really at it.

"You got a lot of explaining to do on WHAT you trained her in! Naomi, go take a nap. Adult talk is needed." She nods and she went to her own bedroom as he moves into a bigger place really. All Might and Nezu explained the full story to him making him to be shocked.

"No way... She's the Yakuza Killer Hero?! Everyone has been praising her for this and there's a reward for her to claim!" They didn't know that making Nezu to go call and say they're a student in the school and he'll give it to them when he sees them.

All Might was shocked as Torino explains more making him to write it down and where they can get it if Nezu didn't say he'll hive those forty-eight rewards ("How many rewards did you say?! Ghu!") to her for them really making Nwzu to be equally shock.

Naoki managed to get One for All: Full Cowl mastered making her to feel better. She sensed danger and was quick to freeze the Nomu and had help tossing him out of the train before she sensed danger again making her to jump and wings came out of her back.

It was butterfly wings like a swallowtail butterfly, but the tabs on the lower wings was longer making Torino to follow her as she's flying towards the city making him to see her with a sword and fight Stain to keep two heroes safe.

'Damnna it. I better get those two out of there.' Torino thinks as he sneakily did it and Naomi lead Stain out in the open as she keeps sword fighting him making her to see Iida getting back up really.

"Rapid Hero: Ingenium! Stay down right now!" Iida flinches as he can hear the authority in her voice at him.

"You can't fight him! Your blood will end you as that's how he almost defeated you! So, stay down!" Iida was shocked as Torino was pleased she explained about the villains Quirk, but how come she's fighting him? It doesn't make sense really.

'And she start a week early as she has a Heroine name already. Deku, Mother Goddess of Hope. I can see why as she looks amazing in the outfit really.' Torino thinks as Todoroki and Endeavor shows up making Torino to stop them from interfering with the fight.

"Nomus are showing up. I knew Iida would go against him. I didn't except this." Todoroki said as Torino nods.

"She hasn't been to class for a week." Iida said as Torino said she started a week early to get use to his place and he quizzed her on some stuff and slowly got her getting use to Hero working stuff. They were shocked that Nezu allowed it to fully happen really.

Naomi is fully waiting for him to tire out before she jumps him and has her sword near his throat and a dagger near his sword holding hand approving she knew what he was going to do really. Torino was pleased as police came and they had arrested Stain.

"One question." Stain looks fully towards her.

"Why do this? I can't figure it out and it feels like something bad had happened to you like it did to me for you to snap and go on a 'Hero Killing Rampage' really. You aren't a 'Hero Victim', were you Stain? Someone a Hero ignored and shouldn't have." Stain sighs as she is almost right.

"The reason I did this is because heroes lost site of why they became heroes. The underground ones I never targeted as they are true heroes who help those who are in need and never ignored anyone... Even All Might never ignores people who are in need.

Heroes need to save everyone and not the ones they select the need the saving. So I guess you can see I am a 'Hero Victim', but not a full one. A villain saved my life when a Hero didn't cause of a villain in front of them. He got me to the hospital and explained what was going on.

Now... I'm killing Heroes who aren't heroes and making sure that the true heroes are saving people as this world can't have peace if there is no hope." Naomi smiles and hugs him from behind shocking everyone.

"Good thing I'm All Might's only student and my pillar is the Pillar of Hope and not peace. With this being live, many might feel different and change their ways. It may take time, but the next generation of Heroes will do it to save and nor for the fake stuff like most Heroes like.

Turbo Hero: Ingenium is a true hero and he never left people out and saves as many as he can really which makes him like All Might really. I think you should send him a apologize present for what you did to him really as he is my third favorite Hero after Eraserhead really.

I... Actually had fun fighting you and I know you were as well, too. You were smiling like you were having fun and was enjoying yourself. I can't see you as a villain if you smiled like that really. I actually see you as a second friend because of it really.

I'll write to you about the changes in Japan and have you know how everything is. I'm sure that can't be stopped really since it's letters unless it's food and they have to scan it then they would stop it if weapons were found inside really.

Right, officers?" The police nodded as Stain had tears going down his face making the female to wipe them before Naomi let go and he was placed into the car to go to Tartarus really. Everyone was shocked on what she said to him really.

Torino was pleased as Naomi had spoken her mind making him to see a true hero in front of him really as All Might and Nezu had saw this as this is live feed really. Shigaraki was shocked as Naomi is one girl he can't figure out at all really.

'How does she live with the many murders she has done? She's still smiling.' Shigaraki is confused and needs help, so he contacted the only one to help.

"Hello? ... Father, I need your help."

"All you have to do is ask, Tomura. What can daddy All for One do for you right now?"

AN: I'll leave it here and let you guys think on what they had said about Naomi really.

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