Naomi vs Overhaul part 1

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Naomi woke up and she noticed she was in her room and as she gets up, phantom pains go down her whole body making Midnight to help her out. Midnight explains her punishment and there's a copy of the fight that Aizawa saw some improvements to both her and Bakugou.

"Yes, oba-san." Naomi said as she knows it should of been a greater punishment, but Nezu knows she was helping a friend out. He even had pictures of both their injuries making her to freak as the rest of the class was shocked about it all.

Bakugou didn't even know it was that bad as Naomi and him blush in embarrassment really as poor Bakugou's punishment is to be cleaning the dormitory common spaces day and night for four days and he must write a full written statement of regret.

Naomi feels bad, but kept it to herself as she really can't go to class for three days making her to ask for some school work to do when she's in her room making it to be acceptable making her to sigh as it's a mountain sized one by Nezu, her kyoufu.

She managed to do half the first night and went to bed at two, got up, help make the food which counts as her cooking class and getting letchered by Lunch Rush really if she gets it wrong, some herbal remedies for Robot Girl and then the school work.

She finished the pile on the second night and went to bed the same time before she noticed the third day, she felt someone's watching her and it creeps her out as she sticks closer to Power Loader who noticed the nervousness and kept her behind for an hour or two.

Mei helped get rid of it and saw her new clothing which she thinks falling angel for some reason though with eight pairs of wings than the six or three pairs really. Naomi noticed in the mirror that the form has eight pairs and it's fully feather really.

Power Loader sent her off as Naomi just teleports to Nezu since she doesn't want to see him again. She's been getting use to it and is trying with her two elements really. Nezu hears her out and will make sure it doesn't happened again while feeling like he should warn Aizawa about this really.

Nezu gave her some new school work for the night making her to thank him as she was fully done and sent it over to him when she saw him again. He was at the door and she starts to have a hard time breathing as her privacy, her sanctuary, her peace and quiet home... It was fully destroyed.

It's making her to pant and gasp and claw at her neck, her cheeks, her arms and her sides making him to flinch. She didn't hear what he said and keeps backing away from him as her body feels violated making her to have everything placed into her Inventory Space Quirk before she screams loudly and holds her ears with her eyes closed

Her screams had scattered all windows in the building as she was so loud that the windows would break, but the whole damn building went on black fire really making him to have some burns and left as e everyone saw the flames before it went out making Toshinori to rush to Naomi fast.

Midnight was trying to calm her down, but it didn't work as she was far too scared to even calm down. She keeps saying "He was here! He was here! He was here! He was here"! making Nezu to calm and figures the person who was fully watching her showed up.

Her scars were permanent cause of her fire making her to apologies which Robot Girl calms her down about as the heat was very high and she will need to meditate to stay more calm making her to agree and slept with Midnight that night as she feels more safe.

At school, news spread fast about the building and they gave her space to calm down in as Naomi looks frightened really. No one saw a eighteen-years-old boy with blond hair and blue eyes wounded as he looks at her for ten seconds and then looks away really.

'I didn't mean to.' He thinks as he saw his wounds that his Quirk couldn't keep him safe from. In class, Naomi was near Aizawa for the day as he brings in three older students to explain about Hero Work placement Internships to them all really.

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