Naomi vs Bakugou

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Hound Dog was shocked as he kept an eye on the cameras and he saw Ground Beta. He turns the volume up to properly hear as Naomi told him for a good reason and never lies to him. Naomi shows up and saw Bakugou as she walks over to him.

"What is it you wanted to talk about, Kaachan? You know you could have done it on texts, but you couldn't. You wouldn't know how to start." He nods as he looks down to the ground.

"I want to talk about your powers, Nao." She flinches as it's been a long time since he called her that.

"Yea... Long time since I had called you that little nickname of mine to you. I still remember the time where you were a Quirkless good for nothing and then suddenly out of thin air, you left. You quited school at age nine and I didn't know where you went."

"Sorry. I snapped on my birthday and I lived alone in a neutral ground apartment where we can defend ourselves any way we want... Even kill. Rent was low and I felt peace for a little while time being." Bakugou was shocked.


"Kaa-chan's murder. My ninth birthday. Beheaded. It was like otou-sama's murder on my sixth birthday." Bakugou flinched as he was there that day really.

"You saves my life with that drone and laser of yours from Yakuza men and 'walked' me home where you also dealt with others."

"I was shocked when you said 'thank you' to me." Bakugou huffs in laughter at that really.

"Figures you would be shocked. Since then, we talked a bit through hat drone. I can tell you were fully losing your emotions. You were going emotionless. Monotoned really. I can even hear fear in your voice sometimes."

"I think you knew why." Bakugou nods as he does and when Naomi said she's going to therapy, he was happy as she would be fully needing it.

"I still go really. Emotions are unstable and mentally unstable as well, but I'm slowly getting there really." He nods as he won't ask.

"Then the Sludge Villain accident. You saved me once again. You even had a Robot version of All Might who also helped and... May that fucking punch hurt, it helped get some of it out of me. I had to naturally throw up the rest really.

I never got the chance to thank you for getting me to the hospital. I didn't know where you live. I had birthday and Christmas presents that I actually wanted to give you. Mom sent them once she knew you were in U.A really. You probably never got them."

"I did. I kept them in my room. I actually cried for Kaa-onii-chan, my friend, my playmate once I got them." Bakugou now knows why she looked like she was crying the day afterwards really.

"Joining the entrance exam... You manifested Quirks and by some miracle, you were accepted into U.A. and even received Provisional Hero License while I failed."

"Would you believe me if I said that I received my Provisional Hero License for performing well and training twenty-four/seven really?" He thinks and saw what she means.

"Yes, but let me finish." When Bakugou states he has been putting the pieces together, Naomi was fully aware as to what fully Bakugou has discovered as her worries are confirmed as then Bakugou states that she received one of her many Quirks from All Might.

"Since I witnessed All For One's ability to steal Quirks and bestow them onto others as well as me figuring out that All Might is an acquaintance of All For One, I hypothesized that All Might also has some form of Quirk transference.

It was because he has become weaker ever since coming to U.A. and meeting with you." Seeing that Naomi is not denying anything, Bakugou knows that he is right about Naomi gaining All Might's Quirk.

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