Forrest Training Camp

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Nezu was sitting at his desk and sighs as Naomi was right of not getting any answers, but they do know a bit more about Shigaraki Tomura and why he hates the world really as this is going to be a very difficult job as he knows they are going to be needing help and quick as the students get get involved with war until they are older as he promised if it comes it it.

Naomi was resting her head on Aizawa's lap as she was fully tired really. Nezu heard and gave her the extra homework to do making her to accept the punishment as they didn't anything useful from it really. Overhaul had fully stopped sending his men.

She gave enough for Sir Nighteye to figure out what to do and left her camera to him to watch and eat those cookies and donuts making him to feel satisfied at Overhaul's pain really. She did warn him about her going to camp for the rest of the summer.

Naomi enjoyed I-Island as she had fun and enjoyed some time away from Japan really before she goes to training camp. She had even called Melissa 'onee-sama' making her to giggle as she always wanted one really. David allowed it really and he was shocked that All Might adopted her.

Melissa and Naomi had a lot of fun as Naomi tested out really a lot of Melissa's gadgets and what could make them better making the girls to have fun really. Naomi was very ticked when a villain attacked and took David-oji-san away making her to very pissed.

She let lose her emotions onto the minions of the villain making it to be recorded as she had a beautiful dress on as well, too which she had Melissa help to pick it out really as it was beautiful and she can't believe it got ruined because of them making her to be very ticked off really about it all.

She let lose her emotions onto the minions of the villain making it to be recorded as she had a beautiful dress on as well, too which she had Melissa help to pick it out really as it was beautiful and she can't believe it got ruined because of the...

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Her hair was up in a double dango on the side of her head making her to like love it and got a picture of it with All Might in his own suit really. David-oji-san took the very picture for them all really. Naomi fully just knocks out every single one of the minions.

Melissa saw the drone and the Heroes are cheering her on as All Might chuckles at Naomi as she has that scary look which scared some of the minions and screams like little girls to get away from her really. All Might knows Nezu and everyone else in Japan is in shock really.

'Her making this live was a very smart move on her part really making her whole class, but Iida, Denki, Jiro, Mineta, Momo and Todoroki to miss this all since some had other plans really.' All Might thinks as he is pleased Naomi healed him up really with her first wish.

Naomi managed to give him time to break free and join the fight making father/daughter duo to win and whoop some ass really. Naomi had found something and it sort of looked like medicine. Naomi hands it to All Might to take it really.

It was actually two Quirks making All Might to feel powerful which David checked and it was Moon God Quirk and the Regeneration Quirk making Naomi to cheer as Tsukuyomi-no-Mikoto must have sent it really for him making him to chuckle really.

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