Chapter 18

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Alexander's POV
i just lay in bed looking up at my boring plain white ceiling, but in that moment it seemed very fascinating. I don't know what i want anymore..i've been thinking about quitting my job at the hospital and finding somewhere else to work. To me that seems like the best solution and i will not ask for anyone else's opinions because i know they will try to talk me out of it and knowing how i am it'll work.

i sigh and close my eyes, it's going to be tough the first couple of weeks but i'll get better i know i will. Sure i'm going to miss some of my friends at the hospital but it's not like i can't hang out with them at other places...

i smile to myself..this is what i need. i'm going to be much better and maybe i'll find someone's going to be hard getting over john but i know i can do it. I want kids and a bigger home so i can have just one happy family, but those dreams have to wait until i'm settled in at my different job and i meet someone else..

i roll over. It's going to take a while, but everything is going to be okay as long as i don't see john again..


Johns POV

i look at the small little baby blue house and question if i should knock on the door knowing what attitude i will receive i go to walk away until i see a police car round the corner.

"fuck. this fast?" i say to myself as i jump onto alexanders porch and walk through his front door..what kind of person doesn't lock their door?

i see the police car leave and i sigh to myself, so close..way to close

"who the fuck are you?" someone says to me as i turn around and see a strong man

"u-um..isnt t-this Dr Alexander Hamilton's home?" i stutter. this man is scary.

"This ain't no Dr hamilton's house. This is my home. Hercules Mulligan. Who you are looking lives at the end of this street to the right. Now leave before i hit you up side the head with this bat." he says waving his bat around like it was a toothpick.

"y-yes Mr Hercules sir" i say quickly as i run out of the house and down the street. damn i might've wrote down the wrong address. well at least the street is right

i made it all the way to the end of the street and to the right is a small house. Like that scary mans but it's white..

i step up on to the porch and i sway side to side a little as i fiddle my thumbs..i'm nervous, but i have to do this. i got to do this.

i hesitate. but i knock.

i keep knocking until someone opens the door

"this better not be more flow-" he looks at me and his eyes go wide..

" did you" he stutters and i smile a little..

"hey alexander..i've missed you.."

I hope you enjoyed🤍

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