Chapter 23

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hey besties 🤠
sorry if the storyline doesn't seem correct it's been a minute 😍.


it's the next morning and i'm scared to leave my room. Mainly because i have a psycho sleeping on the floor in the living room.

what he did is unforgivable. i should have let aaron take him back..why didn't i?. Is it because i was scared of what he might do when i went back in to see him? or is it because of the amount of love i have for this man?.

is it both?.

i sigh.

what has he done to me?.

i close my eyes hoping to drift back off to sleep but instead i hear pots and pans clanking against each other and i jump up.

why is he in my kitchen?.

i creep out of my room and walk towards the kitchen to see him in the fridge.

"what are you doing?." i say coldly.

he jumps and i see an egg drop to the floor making a mess.

"oh..u-um well i was going to make you some breakfast.." he says as he fiddles with his fingers and looks down at the cracked egg on the floor.

I fold my arms.

i click my tongue. "why isn't that sweet." i say with the bitchest tone you could imagine.

"look..alex i truly am sorry for everything i did yesterday... i don't know what came over me. Between the choking you and your um... picture i know what i did is unforgiving and i don't want you to forgive me. hell i wouldn't forgive myself for doing that." he looks everywhere but at me when he says this. Then when he's finished he's staring right back at the egg.

"hm. i don't care for your apology." i say. "and i don't care that you were going to make me breakfast. i don't want you in here touching my things. For all i know you could have tried to poison me or something." i scoff and he looks at me.

"you know i would never hur-" he goes to say but i cut him off

"what? hurt me? you would never hurt me?. so what you did yesterday wasn't hurting me? you self centered asshole." i walked closer to him not caring i stepped on the cracked egg.

"i called the cops to send you back because you clearly need fucking help. You don't care about anyone's feelings but your own." i continued to get closer to him until he was backed against the counter.

"i don't know what i was thinking getting myself romantically involved with someone like you." i spat

"someone like me?.." he whispers.

"yes. john. someone like you. someone who is so fucking mentally unstable he breaks out of a fucking INSANE ASYLUM and comes to his DOCTORS HOME and RIPS UP HIS ONLY PICTURE OF HIS MOTHER" i yell and i shove him. he hissed from the pain of knobs on the cabinet digging into his skin.

"I SAID I WAS SORRY." he cries "i know i need help...i do. i just wanted to see you.."

"well..laurens. you fucked up. you fucked up big time." i back away from him. "clean up this fucking mess. and when you're done i'm taking you back to the hospital." i say as i start to walk away

"b-but it's closed today the doors will be locked" he says thinking it'll save him.

"are you that fucking dumb? seriously?" i turn to look at him. "i have a key. now hurry the fuck up" i hiss at him and go to my bathroom to get cleaned up.

i know i was mean but fuck it felt good.
he has no right to play victim now. what he did was unacceptable.


i sniffle as i finish cleaning up the mess i made.
I don't want to back there.
I can't. go back there.
he just doesn't understand how it feels to be locked up like that.
i have to leave before he comes back. i have to get out of here so he can't take me back to that god awful place.

i hear the water running. he must've gotten in the shower. I smirk. Perfect timing. i put my shoes on and i walk to the door and put my hand on the door knob.

just as i was about to open the door and run for it..i pause.

should i run?.

or should i just let him take me back?

maybe going back will help me..but maybe staying there will ruin me more..

i sigh and open the door. i guess i'm doing this.


i finish up in the bathroom and get dressed. I put my shoes on and grab my keys.

"are you ready?." i say as i walk out of my room.

no response.

"laurens." i say and response i check in the other rooms

"john" i say as i frantically run around my house looking for this man.

"john!" i say as i run out the door.

"fuck.." i say in relief as i see him sitting in the chair on the porch with his head in his hands.

" i was looking for you." i say

"i heard you." he says

"we'll come on we have to get going" i say and he looks at me and nods.

we both walk to my car and get in. I start it and pull out of my driveway.
i turn the radio up just a bit and john turns it down all the way.
Okay so he chooses to sit in silence. suit yourself.


"okay we're here" i say as i turn the car off.
yeah as you probably already know the car ride there was awkward. it was so quiet you could hear a pen drop.

"yayy" he says unenthusiastically

"i know right so exciting." i cheer along with him.

we walk up to the doors and i unlock them. there isn't anyone in the main office which is great for me because peggy would have ringed my neck if she saw me.

john and i continue walking until we get to his room and he opens the door.

"um..we'll thanks for bringing me home" he says trying to be funny.

"ha ha. very funny." i say sarcastically "have fun" i go to walk off so i can get back home

"wait." he says as he reaches out to grab my arm but when i turn to glare at him he immediately lets go.

"w-will you still come to see me?"

"i don't know. i do get paid good money because of you so probably, but JUST as your doctor nothing more. I mean it." i say sternly and he just nods his head.

"see you Hamilton" he says.

"bye john." i don't even bother to look at him i just turn and leave and i know he was watching me walk out of those doors.

maybe i won't keep working with him maybe i will. i'll decide later but right now. i just want my bed.

hey slay queens
it's been a while 🤠🫶

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