Chapter 16

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John's POV

A week has past since the situation with alexander...i feel terrible about what i did to him i have to apologize but i haven't seen him. He hasn't been back to work since that happened and i don't blame him. I even scared myself doing that to him i just can't believe i did that...i'm really glad he's okay..

"pegs.." i say quietly as i go to peggys desk.

"back to your room before i call security." she says sternly and i tear up..i've been crying ever since that incident i just feel so terrible

"c-can i please speak to alexander?..i j-just need to apologize to him please?...." i ask..actually i've been asking to speak with him since he's been out this week but i always get the same answer...

"fine." she replied which shocked me

"w-what?" i say just to make sure i heard her right

"i said fine."she says again and punches his number in the phone and hands to me i put the phone up to my ear as it continues to ring.

"hello?" he says and i choke out a sob..god how i've missed his sweet smooth voice

"a-alex?..."i say quietly..

"...i- i'm sorry who is this?" he says and i look at peggy with tears rolling down my cheeks and she looks away

"it''s john...." he doesn't reply for a while but then he says

"um..i'm sorry i think you have the wrong number." he says and i sob

"a-alexander please...j-just hear me out.." i cry

"sorry sir.." he says and hangs up. I let go of the phone and fall to the floor as a nasty sob leaves my mouth

"i'm sorry...i'm so so so sorry...." i kept repeating myself and soon after peggy comes to my side and holds me.

"calm down.." she whispers

"shhh.." she runs her fingers through my hair.. i hear someone run up to us and grab my arm but she told them to leave us with the wave of her hand.

"b-but ma'am" he tried to convince her to let me go..

"leave us." she says sternly and i can hear the footsteps of the man getting quieter..

"i-i didnt mean to hurt him.." i sniffle "h-he told me to do it! that b-bastard he..." i sob harder "i love him.. i-i love him.."

peggy didn't say anything.. she just held me and ran her fingers through my hair..after a while i started to calm down a bit...

"his address...can i have it?" i ask and she sighs

"for what?"

"i-i just want to send him an apology gift that's all.." i say and she stands up and holds out her hand

"you can't have it but we'll look up gifts to give him okay?" she says and i nod. i take her hand and pull myself up

"thank you" i say and she just nods and i follow her around to her desk

"okay so..what do you want to look at?" she asks and i shrug

"flowers?" i suggest and she goes to a flower shop near the hospital

"can we get him roses?.." i ask and she nods

"we'll just send it to his place, what do you want the note to say?" she asks

"um..that i'm really sorry and i miss and love him very much.." i say. that's not all i wanted to say obviously..i just want to tell it to him to his face that's all....

"okay" she types on her computer and i can see her type in his address...did she forget im standing behind her?

"and done." she says

"they'll be sent to him later on today now go back to your room" she tells me and i nod as i rush to my room and wright his address on a piece of paper..i'll sneak out of here and i'll come see you myself.

i will never hurt you again. that's a promise.

its short i know.
love you!

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