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Alexanders P.O.V

"Goodmorning  Jessica" I say as I walk in to see my first patient of the day sitting on the bed playing with a toy pony.

"Mornin hammy" she says back I chuckle and take a seat at the foot of her bed.

"How are you feeling?" I asked and she sighs.

"Angry" she says and jumps when she hears the clicking of my pen, I Wright down how she's feeling and I look back up at her

"And why are you feeling like this?" I ask and she starts to tear up..

"I want to kill my mother, I don't know she put me in here, she doesn't love me, she doesn't even come to Visit, I swear when I get out I'm going to do it, I promise you hammy, I promise you!" She says and wipes her tears of frustration, I sigh, this isn't the first time she's said this to me, she's been in here ever since she was ten, she's 15 now...her mother put her in because she killed an animal and enjoyed it...

"Listen Jess...your not going anywhere if you keep talking like this, every word you say my love I have to Wright, I have to report it and I don't want to..." I say and her eyes go wide

"No no no no!, please hammy, please don't report me, I'll be good I promise, I won't talk like this ever again, I won't do anything to my mother, I promise, please hammy, please!" She begs pulling on my white sleeve, I calm her down and write how the food they serve here is disgusting and she'd rather have pizza instead of a big disgusting blob of different stuff mixed together..

"W-what did you write?" She says and I show it her, she smiles and laughs, I smile and kiss her forehead.

"Alright jess I'll see you tomorrow, be good" I say and give her a reassuring wink and leave the room.

"Yo Alexander!" Someone calls my name from the end of the hall, I turn around to see its my friend, Lafayette.

"What is it Mon Ami?" I asked taking off my glasses.

"Me and the boys are gonna get some drinks after work, you want to come?" He asks and i tap on my clipboard.

"Sorry my friend, I'm working all day." I say and he sighs

"Man!,well I got to go, see you later Hamilton" he says and walks off.

"Shut down, every one lock the doors of the patients room you just left, shut down." The person over the intercom says and the sirens are going off, what the hell? I lock Jessica's door and turn around to see 2 paramedics and 3 officers running past mr and down the hall.

"Tie him down!" One says and I run down the hall to see what's going on...

Once I got there I saw Dr. Hopkins being placed on a stretcher and the patient being put in a straight jacket and strapped down to his bed.

"He started it! That bitch started it!!" The patient says..

"John were gonna need you to calm down" the nurse says...John had blood on his hands, a picture was ripped up at the end of his bed with a bloody pencil next to it...

"Sir were going to have to ask you to leave" the officer says pushing me away from the door as the paramedics take Hopkins out of the building.. I walk away in shock..

"Jesus" I say to myself as I walked outside and lit a cigarette...

This isn't the first time John done this, actually it's his 3rd time doing this...I wonder who has to deal with him next..

  Sooooooooo what do you guys think?¿ should I stop writing it?
And before you say anything, no there will be no sequel to the monster in him, sorry.
I hoped you all like this chapter as much as I enjoyed writing it

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