Chapter 11

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hey. it's been a while i know. hush. i get it. attack if you'd like i'm sorry!.
enjoy this...IM SORRY IF IT SEEMS A LITTLE OFF!! like i said before i wrote this in 2018 and i realized how stupid i sounded in the chapters and i didn't like how fast everything was going! (i was a stupid stupid kid i get it!) but im glad you all liked it at least 😂 since i'm a little older now i want to make it better so i'm sorry if the story line seems a little off. anyways. enjoy!

Alexander's POV
i groan as i hear a loud knock on my front door. I get up and walk to the door and open it.

"Mornin sunshine" Eliza says as she walks in

"i brought muffins and coffee" she's sits the bag with the muffins in them and hands me my coffee

"um..thanks but why are you here ?" i say as i take a sip of my coffee..ah bitter. just how i like it.

"what do you mean? i had to come see my fiancé" she's says with a smile and starts to eat her muffin

"eliza. we broke up remember? i called the engagement off a while ago" i say as i sit at the table. We were dating two years ago and i decided to propose but as you can tell it didn't go very well and she still shows up every once in a while bringing me coffee and muffins acting like we're still engaged and i  give her the same answer 'why are you here' and she's the same thing 'what do you mean i had to come see my fiancé' like okay eliza i get it. get off my back. leave me alone.

"Oh don't be silly! we had a stupid fight nothing big. Anyways i was picking out flowers for the wedding. roses or magnolias ?" she says while scrolling through pictures of those types of flowers. what's the big deal with flowers and weddings? i never got that. it's weird. no one is going to care for them

"Eliza." i grab her phone from her hands and turn it off. "you have got to stop this. coming over here twice a week and bringing me coffee and muffins like we're still engaged when you know we're not. I called of the engagement because i changed my mind and didn't want to get married and you flipped, so here we are two years later and still broken up. You have got to get over this." i said as i watched her eyes fill with tears as she grabbed her things.

"you're an asshole Alexander Hamilton!" she's screams at me and leaves my apartment while slamming the door behind her. I sigh as i put my head down on the table. i really don't feel like going to work today...i'll miss john yeah but i don't know....i just want to sleep. I sigh and call peggy

"Where the hell are you? you were supposed to be here 10 minutes ago." she says and i almost want to hang up. i swear this women scares the shit out of me.

"Pegs..your sister stopped by again and i..." i sigh once more "i had to tell her off..i promise i wasn't trying to be mean but i just wanted her to stop coming by acting like we were still together...." i say and it's silent on her end.

"...peggy? are you- " she cuts me off

"i'm here" she sighs "i'm sorry alex..i tried to talk to her myself but she's just so stubborn. Angelica tried as well and Eliza didn't listen to either of us.." she continues but i don't really listen as i just pick at my muffin..

"Can i just skip work for the rest of this week?..i haven't been getting enough sleep i've been staying up all night writing things about my patients" I say and throw my muffin away.

"..yeah sure. you better get a lot of sleep alexander and come to work monday morning of next week. i mean it." she says and i pour my coffee down the sink.

"okay pegs..bye" i hang up and go to my room and i look at my bed "i love you" i flop on to it "my sweet sweet bed." i close my eyes and fall into a deep sleep.

Johns POV
i wake up to a different doctor asking me the same exact stupid questions. where is alexander?..i haven't seen him in three days...

"hey stupid." i say to the doctor sitting in the chair

"it's Mr Anderson." he says and i roll my eyes. like i care.

"where is my original doctor? A. Hamilton." i say and he sighs and puts his pen back in his pocket and stands up

"i have no idea. they told me to fill in for him they didn't give me a reason why." he says and leaves. what an asshole.

i sigh and get out of bed and walk out of my room and go to the front desk.

"Hello" i say to peggy and she looks up at me

"aren't you supposed to be on your room laurens" she says and puts her full attention on me

"yes but i just want to ask you one little question" i say with a small smile and she sighs.

"what is it"

"um.. where is my original doctor ? A. Hamilton.." i say

"You aren't allowed to know that information." she says

"please tell me? i haven't seen him in three days and i'm getting worried..he's a really sweet guy" i say with pleading eyes

"please peggy? please tell me. please please please pleaseee pleaseeee-" she cuts me off

"okay okay! jesus. He's really sleep deprived and he asked if he can take the rest of the week off. He will be back on monday. Now back to your room" she says and goes back to typing something on her computer. i whine and make my way back to my room and flop onto my bed..

monday...please hurry up and get here.

soooo?? did you like it? i hope so!
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love you guys!

Insanely Insane|| LamsNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ