Chapter 19

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Alexander's POV
..i wish it had been more flowers.
i stand there in shock as i look at him.. the man that i fell madly in love with. The man that was also my patient...the man that almost killed me....the man that's insane

"g-get off my porch." i say as i go to close the door. I want him gone. i can't look at him anymore i know i'll fall again i just know it

"w-wait.. hammy.." he says and his foot blocks the door from closing

"please j-just hear me out" he says and i shake my head.

"no! go away laurens." i yell. i look up and see a police car turn down my street. perfect

i step outside.


Johns POV

he steps outside and my smile widens.. is he going to hug me? oh i hope so

he raises his arms. weird way to give someone a hug but i'll take it

i step forward and go to hug him

"HEY! OVER HERE!" he yells as he waves his arms around frantically.


i look around and see the same damn police car. seriously what the hell?

"alex! stop it"

"OVER HERE! HES OVER HERE!!" he yells again and i pull him inside of his home and close the door behind us

"what. the fuck!" i yell as i turn to look at him. he runs to his kitchen, i follow him

"stay. away. from me." he says and he grabs a knife from the drawer.

he points it at me

"i'm not going to hurt you. i promise" i hold my hands up as i slowly walk towards him. He backs up

"i will never. ever. lay a hand on you like that again i promise you that hammy.. i promise.." i say quietly. I'm still moving towards him and he's still moving back. He bumps into the wall as he hold the knife up.

"i don't care. get away from me. get out of MY home. How did you even get here in the first place?!" he yells at me and i get closer to him

"i may be in an insane asylum but i'm very smart..i just came here to apologize..." i say and he shakes his head

"you already did. on the card and the flowers you sent." he says and i look behind me and scan the kitchen. i didn't see the flowers anywhere

"where are they?" i question as i look at him.

"in the trash." he says and my heart stings a little

"and that little card you wrote? i ripped it up. i don't want anything to do with you anymore john. You were my patient and it should have stayed that way. i let things go to far.." he says and i tear up

"i-...i'm sorry...hammy i'm so so sorry....i feel absolutely terrible for what i've done to you" i take the knife from his hand carefully..
"you don't understand how much it pains me not being able to see your face everyday...t-to not see your charming smile... you always-" he cuts me off.

"shutup. j-just...shutup" he tears up.. "please...i beg of you....just leave.." he barley gets out as he chokes out a sob and falls to the floor..

"you always brighten my day.." i say quietly as i sit in front of him..

"i..." i choke out a sob "i- i love you more than anything...hammy.." i reach out and pull him to me as we both sob in each other's arms..

"i-i can't forgive you.." he says and i sniffle

"i don't expect you to..." i say as i hug him tightly..

"good.." he shoves me away from him and he stands up.

"you can go.." he says as he wipes his runny nose with his sleeve

"b-but hammy..." i stand up

"i-i have no where to go. I can't go back now it's to late.. it's 2 in the morning and i'm tired. I went into the wrong house trying to look for you and this big strong man tried to kill me with a bat! i-i mean for his size it looked like a toothpick!" i say and i can see him smiling a bit

"you have got to see this guy! he was just waving the thing around like it was a feather or something i- i mean..come on...he-" i keep going on and on about that scary man but hamilton cuts me off

"okay! okay. god.." he laughs "you can stay..but i am taking you back tomorrow." he says and i smile

"thank you thank you thank you!" i say with glee as i hug his tightly

"calm down." he pulls away from me "go get comfortable on the couch.. i'll get you a pillow and blanket." he says as he walks down the hall

i take off my shirt and pants and lay on the couch. I push my face further into the smells just like him....i can never get enough of this

"woah...making moves on my couch now are you?" he says and i sit up quickly

"i-i was j-just um.." i stumble on my words as he just shakes his head

"whatever couch sniffer.." he hands me the blanket and pillow. "go to sleep." he goes to walk away and o grab his hand

"thank you..hammy" i kiss his hand but he pulls it away

"sleep laurens.." he says in a hush tone


"goodnight john..." he walks to the end of the hall and turns left...

i lay down and get comfortable, as i look up at the ceiling i realize just how much shit i just got myself into. Now i know for a fact i'll never be able to leave that awful place and i'll never be able to see alexander again. I'll never be able to have a future with him..never....i just had to go and screw everything up...but maybe alexander was right...


maybe things between us shouldn't have gone this should have just stayed as doctor and patient. nothing more..

but it's to late for that..

maybe we could try again some other time..

i smile a little and close my least im out of that place for a night and sleeping on my future husband's couch (well hopefully)

but who knows..


ha! fooled ya :)
goodnight! <3

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