Chapter 4...

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Emily's POV...

When Reid let it slip that JJ hated me I didn't imagine this.

I watch her leave with an open mouth that couldn't seem to find any words a minute ago. How could she think these things about me when she'd known me only a few days? Maybe everyone thinks these things about me but they were just better at hiding it. That can't be right, can it?

I try to think what I've done to leave this impression on JJ and yet again I find myself clasped in the hands of my mother that I've worked so hard to get out of. Knowing it hasn't worked hurts. Knowing JJ thinks those things about me... that really hurts.

I take a quiet thud from the only occupied cubicle as my cue to leave, but first, I quickly check what I look like in the mirror: a mess. JJ looked perfect, even in the harsh white lights of the bathroom, even listing the reasons she hates me; she managed to look just perfect.

When I return to the booth, I don't mention anything to Penelope and Derek, and from the smiles on their faces, JJ didn't either. Apparently, Reid took her home, and I'm relieved that I won't have to sit with her staring daggers into me from across the table.

The fun we have for the rest of the night tells me that I'm not hated by everyone, well, not by Morgan and Garcia anyway. I decide not to think about what happened in the bathroom and enjoy the night with my remaining teammates. I just hope JJ doesn't remember any of it in the morning.

We all dance and Morgan watches as we take more shots – clearly regretting his decision to be our designated driver. It's always taken a lot to get me drunk, but as I begin to sing a warped remix version of uptown girl at the top of my lungs, I know I'm off my face. Garcia seems to be as well.

I don't know what time it is when Morgan wraps his arm around my waist and shouts Garcia over to us, but I know it must be really late. How long have we been here?

"Ladies, I think it's time we get going," He says, his voice as smooth as ever.

"Aww, you're no fun!" Garcia whines much louder than I'm sure she meant to.

"You know I'm glad you're here Derek," I start, leaning into him, "because I don't think I can find my way to the door, never mind to a car!"

"I'm always here to look after my favourite ladies." He replies, raising his eyebrows.

I wonder how many women are his 'favourite ladies', and how many of them he's known less time than me. I must have a look of disbelief on my face because he quickly continues.

"Alright, alright! I may be a dog, but above everything, I am a gentleman."

"Got the dog part right," Garcia giggles, I smile at her and then at him.

"You can prove the gentleman part by getting me to my apartment instead of the emergency room," I laugh and the other two join in, I feel a tear in my eye that I quickly get rid of; maybe I can belong with this team. Maybe that's the alcohol talking.

Morgan guides both of us out of the club and to his car. He drives with the windows down and the wind hits my face, hot from the alcohol and sweaty club. I forget how nice everything is in the early hours of the morning – it's like an entirely different world. I make a mental note to go out more, I'll definitely forget that in the morning but at least the intention is there!

He reaches Garcia's place first and walks her through the gate of her apartment building. I look up at the 2 windows that have a bright pink window box and decide that is definitely Garcia's apartment.

By the time we reach my apartment complex, the high of being out 'partying' has completely worn off and I feel like I might just die right there in the passenger seat of Morgan's car, or throw up. I think the latter of the two is the worse option.

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